Clean Water Defense - Waterkeeper - Page 6

Clean Water Defense

Gathering together for Earth Day, if only online, is more important than ever

When the first Earth Day was celebrated 50 years ago, campuses around the country were erupting in protest over the Vietnam War. Detroit, Newark, Los Angeles,...

loggerhead turtle swimming

Lawsuit Launched Challenging Feds’ Failure to Fully Assess Harms of Lake Okeechobee Toxic Releases to Protected Sea Turtles, Sawfish

Conservation groups filed a notice today of their intent to sue the Trump administration for failing to acknowledge the harms that toxic releases from...

Tell Congress: Don’t let EPA weaken the Clean Water Act!

By Anna Maria Stebbins, Advocacy Legal Intern Our waterways are in trouble. A new regulation from the United States Environmental Protection Agency will...

The Source of the Amazon River at Risk Because of Dam Projects

By Bruno Monteferri, the Marañón Waterkeeper Photos by Ben Webb Help us protect this irreplaceable treasure. Sign up for our email updates today.  Two...

Tell EPA: Now is Not the Time to Suspend Enforcement

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a sweeping “discretionary” suspension of its enforcement of environmental laws on March 26 pegged...

Active Fights for Free-Flowing Rivers in the Gulf and South Atlantic

On the ground, Waterkeepers have been fighting for free-flowing rivers, dam removals, and restoration solutions that best protect their communities for...

Act now to speak up for nonprofits!

Waterkeepers haul tires out of streams. We work to ensure toxic coal ash doesn’t flood the rivers near your home. We take school children who’ve never...

Lake Worth Waterkeeper, Partners, Sue in Response to Massive Clean Water Act Rollback

In case you missed it: Waterkeeper Alliance and eleven U.S. Waterkeeper Organizations, including Lake Worth Waterkeeper, joined last month with several...

Tell Congress – It’s High Time to Break Free from Plastic

The world is choking on plastic. We have seen the horrifying images of whales and seabirds dying of starvation with bellies full of plastic. Of sea turtles...

We Can’t Turn Our Backs on the Birds

Whether it’s identifying the birds visiting a feeder outside a window, watching ducks float along a city park pond, or spotting a glimpse of an eagle...

Lawsuit Launched Over Trump’s Massive Rollback of Clean Water Act Protections

Conservation groups filed a formal notice of intent to sue the Trump administration today for eliminating longstanding Clean Water Act protections for...

Community Water Science: Labors of Love

A huge network of volunteer water quality monitors already exists — including hundreds of Waterkeeper organizations — but their individual efforts...

“Navigable Water Protection Rule” Guarantees Widespread Pollution of our Nation’s Waters

Reversing more than 40 years of progress and settled law, on January 23, 2020, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps announced a new regulation...

Yadkin Riverkeeper Addresses Misinformation on Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Replacement Rule

By Yadkin Riverkeeper. Reposted with permission from Yadkin Riverkeeper. With last week’s release of the new rule changes to the Clean Water Act, there...

Narrow Definition of Waters Covered Under the Clean Water Act Puts All Our Waters at Risk

The Trump administration’s new unscientific, illegal, narrowed definition of waterways protected by the Clean Water Act is a threat to waterways throughout...

Undermining a Fundamental Law

Since 1970 the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) has been a vital tool for the public to ensure that decisions made by federal agencies that impact...

Trump Administration Announces Its Most Destructive Attack on the Clean Water Act

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have finalized the Trump administration’s most environmentally destructive...

Plastic Pollution is a Global Problem for Waterways

A new Waterkeeper Alliance project will unite plastic pollution measurement, categorization, and localized prevention strategies at an unprecedented global...

20 Dams Put Peru’s Heritage at Risk

By Ben Webb and Bruno Monteferri with Marañón River Waterkeeper Photos by Ben Webb Help us protect this irreplaceable treasure. Sign up for our email...

lighthouse point bahamas

Scientists Accept Disney Offer to Discuss Concerns about Lighthouse Point and Call for attention to Climate Change and Marine Protected Area

Scientists and experts with extensive experience with Bahamian marine environments have sent a letter to a top Disney official accepting his offer to discuss...

A Pivotal Year For Clean Water

In 2019 we saw monumental attacks on federal clean water protections. The Trump administration is advancing plans to eliminate Clean Water Act protections...

Insure Our Future Campaign Targets Liberty Mutual, Top Fossil Fuel Insurer

Following the release of the 2019 Insurance, Coal, and Climate Change Scorecard, demonstrators visit Liberty Mutual offices in Boston and Seattle Today,...

Conservationists Intervene in Ludicrous Effort to Dam the Little Colorado River Half a Mile from the Grand Canyon

Today a coalition of conservation organizations sought intervention and opposed preliminary permits for a series of new dams and reservoirs on the Little...

Florida Officials Urged to Set Standards to Protect People, Wildlife From Harmful Algal Blooms

Nine conservation groups sent a letter today urging Florida officials to set water-quality standards for the harmful toxins in algal blooms. The groups...

Waterkeeper Groups Across United States Oppose Rollback of States’ Rights

Proposed revisions to Clean Water Act would hamstring states’ ability to protect their waters Waterkeeper Alliance and 148 Waterkeeper groups today submitted...

Environmental groups sue NYC to enforce Sewage Pollution Right to Know Act

Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic files lawsuit against NYC DEP on behalf of eight national, regional and local organizations to ensure the public is...

Merriam Lake Idaho in Little Lost river range.

Tell EPA: Let states protect their waterways!

The Trump administration claims to be all about giving states greater freedom and responsibility. However, the administration suddenly sings a very different...

lake near forest

Trump Administration Rolls Back Protections for Millions of Acres of Wetlands, Waterways

The Trump administration’s Environmental Protection Agency finalized a rule today rolling back protections for millions of acres of wetlands, vernal...

sewage pipes draining into waterway

Our Waterways Aren’t Sewers – Let’s Stop Treating Them That Way

For hundreds of years, our waterways were disposal sites for garbage and human waste, leading to devastating impacts on U.S. waters. The Clean Water Act...


Last Chance for Lighthouse Point campaign brings mobile billboard to Disney fan event

Nearly 70,000 people have now signed the petition The Last Chance for Lighthouse Point campaign has brought a mobile billboard to The Walt...