Dive Into Democracy - Waterkeeper - Page 3

Dive Into Democracy

Act now to speak up for nonprofits!

Waterkeepers haul tires out of streams. We work to ensure toxic coal ash doesn’t flood the rivers near your home. We take school children who’ve never...

Tell Congress – It’s High Time to Break Free from Plastic

The world is choking on plastic. We have seen the horrifying images of whales and seabirds dying of starvation with bellies full of plastic. Of sea turtles...

We Can’t Turn Our Backs on the Birds

Whether it’s identifying the birds visiting a feeder outside a window, watching ducks float along a city park pond, or spotting a glimpse of an eagle...

It’s An Election Year — Time to Check Your Voter Registration!

  • By: Ellen Simon
  • News

Waterkeeper Alliance launched Dive Into Democracy in March 2017 to spur public engagement on clean water issues. We’ve used this as a forum to call attention...

Undermining a Fundamental Law

Since 1970 the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) has been a vital tool for the public to ensure that decisions made by federal agencies that impact...

Tell EPA: Stop Bailing Out Big Coal!

Not only is the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposing to allow coal-burning power plants to release more coal ash toxins into our...

A Pivotal Year For Clean Water

In 2019 we saw monumental attacks on federal clean water protections. The Trump administration is advancing plans to eliminate Clean Water Act protections...

No More Coal Ash Toxics in Our Waters!

For decades, coal-fired power plants have profited from being allowed to dump unlimited amounts of toxic coal ash pollutants into our waterways, pushing...

Sign the petition: Denounce Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement

  • By: Waterkeeper Alliance
  • News

Climate change is a global threat and the Trump administration dangerously continues to deny the issue. In 2017, Trump announced he was pulling the United...

We deserve a voice on our public lands!

  • By: Larissa Liebmann
  • News

Public lands are required to be managed by the federal government to benefit the United States public as a whole, ideally in a way that protects those...

Tell EPA Administrator Wheeler: We Need a Strong Clean Water Act

  • By: Waterkeeper Alliance
  • News

Tell EPA Administrator Wheeler to stand up for a strong Clean Water Act Forty-seven years ago on October 18, 1972, the Clean Water Act was signed into...

Stop EPA’s Latest Assault on Our Health and Our Planet: Oppose Weakening of EPA’s Methane Rule

Responding to pressure from the White House and the fossil fuel industry, EPA is putting protection of our health and our planet on the chopping block...

Merriam Lake Idaho in Little Lost river range.

Tell EPA: Let states protect their waterways!

The Trump administration claims to be all about giving states greater freedom and responsibility. However, the administration suddenly sings a very different...

sewage pipes draining into waterway

Our Waterways Aren’t Sewers – Let’s Stop Treating Them That Way

For hundreds of years, our waterways were disposal sites for garbage and human waste, leading to devastating impacts on U.S. waters. The Clean Water Act...

Coal ash

Stop the Spread of Coal Ash Contamination!

The Trump administration’s weakening of public protections from coal pollution is not saving the dying coal industry and has done nothing to help struggling...

state's waters and basins

Tell your Governor – Protect our state’s waters!

The Trump administration is implementing a dangerous effort to eliminate national protections for waters—and communities—across the country. The U.S....

offshore drilling oil rig

Call for our Coasts and Climate

In early 2018, the Trump administration announced plans to expand the areas open to offshore drilling. These plans would increase drilling in the Gulf...

flooded pensacola dam

Stop Senator Inhofe’s Misuse of Military Spending Bill

U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe from Oklahoma is using his position as Chairman of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee and the military funding process to...

FERC releases DEIS for Jordan Cove LNG export in southern Oregon

Put an End to Oregon’s Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter

For over a decade, communities and groups like Rogue Riverkeeper in Oregon have been fighting a proposal for a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facility...

lake near forest

Stop A Massive Clean Water Act Loophole!

  • By: Larissa Liebmann
  • News

A year ago, we warned that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was considering creating a massive loophole in the Clean Water Act. EPA is now...

blue solar panel boards green infrastructure

Tell Congress to invest in true green infrastructure

The floods that sloshed through the Midwest, Texas, and the Great Plains earlier this month were a reminder that climate change, urban sprawl, and wetland...

Save Alaskan Salmon: Say No to Pebble Mine

UPDATE: The deadline to comment has been extended to July 1, 2019. Waterkeeper Alliance has its roots in fishermen banding together fighting to protect...

LAST CALL! The Clean Water Act Depends on You

UPDATE: The Trump administration denied our request to extend the WOTUS comment period, giving us only 60 days to express our fierce opposition to this...

Speak up now to save Clean Water Act protections!

The last chance to comment on a Trump administration proposal that would gut the Clean Water Act is April 15. The proposal, which has no basis in science,...

toxic water pollution coal

Tell EPA: Keep Mercury Limits Strong

Thanks to air emissions standards created by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Clean Air Act in 2011, important progress in reducing...

Act Now – Don’t Let Trump Give Our Public Lands to Big Oil’s Bernhardt

UPDATE: A Senate vote to confirm David Bernhardt for Secretary of Interior could happen as soon as Wednesday, April 10 or Thursday, April 11. ACT NOW and...

We Can’t Afford to Lose the Clean Water Act

  • By: Larissa Liebmann
  • News

In 1972, waterways in the United States were severely polluted and dangerous. Rivers caught on fire, communities were sickened, and wildlife disappeared....

Tell Congress: Take Action on Deadly Algal Blooms

Red tide off Florida has turned beaches into morgues, as scores of dead fish and rotting corpses of marine mammals litter shores. Please call your Representatives...

ferc pipeline

Stand up for states’ right to protect water quality!

Bill S. 3303 would significantly limit the power of states to deny projects that would have severe environmental impacts on water quality. Please call...

Tell CEQ: Don’t Rush Environmental Review!

  • By: Larissa Liebmann
  • News

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is a monumental law passed in 1970 which requires agencies to research the potential environmental impacts...