Dive Into Democracy
Dive Into Democracy is an advocacy action series that focuses on legislative, regulatory, and policy developments that impact clean water. It is intended as a tool for concerned community members to better understand how federal decisions can impact their local waterways and provides a platform for the public to engage with elected officials to ensure that all stakeholder voices are represented and heard.

Tell Congress to Pass the Clean Water Standards for PFAS Act!
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
A family of dangerous emerging contaminants, PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, poses a serious risk to human health and the wellbeing of our...

Tell Congress to Reject Manchin’s ‘Dirty Deal’ to Fast-Track Fossil Fuel Projects
- By: Thomas Hynes
- Climate And Safe Energy | News
In exchange for his vote to help pass the Inflation Reduction Act last month, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia has demanded a vote on a second bill...

Tell EPA: It’s Time to Adopt National Numeric Nutrient Limits on Water Pollution
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
American waterways have a major nutrient pollution problem. Uncontrolled discharges of nitrogen and phosphorus are overwhelming waterways with more than...

Tell EPA to Fully Restore State, Tribal, and Community Rights Under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
The Clean Water Act is the nation’s most effective tool to protect American waterways. An essential component of the Clean Water Act, Section 401, gives...

Support D.C. Statehood!
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
The long overdue Washington, D.C. Admission Act, which passed in the House of Representatives last year, would finally extend Congressional representation...

Congress Must Pass the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act!
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
The Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act was introduced last year in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. This bill represents...

EPA Must Confront Largest Unaddressed Source of Water Pollution
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
Nonpoint source pollution is the largest unaddressed source of water pollution in the country. This type of contamination typically happens when rain and...

Help Ensure All Communities Have Clean Water Act Protections!
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing new Financial Capabilities Assessment guidance for establishing a community’s ability to...

Help Keep Mercury Out of Our Waters!
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing a rule reaffirming that enforcing Mercury and Air Toxic Standards (MATS) from power plants...

Support the Farm System Reform Act
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
The Farm System Reform Act was recently introduced by Senator Cory Booker (NJ) and Representative Ro Khanna (CA) into both the U.S. House of Representatives...

Fully Restore Clean Water Act Protections for All Waters of the United States
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
The Clean Water Act is intended to ensure our waters are safe for swimming, drinking, fishing, and other uses. However, the law cannot achieve these goals...

Help Us Strengthen and Expand Federal Methane Regulations
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
Recently, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reaffirmed what many of us already know: climate change is accelerating and...

It’s Time to Fully Restore the Cornerstone of Environmental Law
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), passed in 1970, requires federal agencies to assess any significant environmental impacts a federal action...

Help Keep Dangerous ‘Forever Chemicals’ Out of Our Water
- By: Thomas Hynes
- Clean Water Defense | News
One of the most dangerous and persistent threats to our nation’s waters is the group of emerging contaminants known as PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl...

Help Ensure All Americans Have Safe Drinking Water
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
Reliably clean and safe drinking water is something most people expect as a given. That trust was earned through protections like those afforded under...

We Must Urgently Restore Clean Water Protections
- By: Thomas Hynes
- Clean Water Defense | News
In 2020, the Trump administration issued an unprecedented new regulation that dramatically eliminated federal Clean Water Act protections for rivers,...

Support the Environmental Justice Legacy Pollution Cleanup Act
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
The Environmental Justice Legacy Pollution Cleanup Act is proposed legislation from Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Representative A. Donald McEachin (VA-04)....

Restore Section 401 to the Clean Water Act
- By: Thomas Hynes
- Clean Water Defense | News
A controversial 2020 regulation promulgated by the Trump EPA dramatically diminished state and tribal authority under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act....

Support the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act
- By: Thomas Hynes
- Clean Water Defense | News
The Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act was introduced on March 26 by Senator Jeff Merkley (OR) and Representative Alan Lowenthal (CA) into both the...

Tell Biden: It’s time to put clean water and a healthy environment front and center
- By: Marc Yaggi
- Clean Water Defense | News
With the Biden administration set to assume power next month, we’re strategizing what the next four years will mean for our movement to protect clean...

Count Every Vote
- By: Marc Yaggi
- News
We’re in the midst of an historic election season. As many as 160 million Americans are expected to vote this year; some are predicting voter turnout...

Act Now: Our Toxic Coal Ash Legacy
- By: Daniel E. Estrin
- Climate And Safe Energy | News
Coal-fired power plants are by far the single largest contributor of toxic pollutants such as arsenic, cadmium, and lead to waterways across the United...

Get Out the Vote: Mobilize Your Friends
- By: Marc Yaggi
- News
You’re likely to be someone who votes in every single election, the type of person campaigns call a super voter. Now is the time to recruit your friends...

Act Now for Factory Farm Reform
- By: Ellen Simon
- News | Pure Farms, Pure Waters
From sick workers in slaughterhouses to empty shelves at grocery stores, the coronavirus pandemic further exposed a food system in crisis. We deserve farm...

Just Do It: VOTE
- By: Malaika Elias
- Clean Water Defense | News
When the right to vote in the United States was first granted in 1776, white male property owners were the only class of people that were eligible. In...

Funding Hydropower Projects will Not Fight Climate Change
- By: Kate Hudson
- Clean Water Defense | News
There is a new significant threat to our free flowing rivers and our climate: the promotion of hydropower under the guise that it is clean, renewable energy...

Sign the petition: Support the Climate Action Plan
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Clean Water Defense | News
We can’t wait another second to address climate change! Climate change is the largest and most imminent global threat facing us today. And yet, Trump...

Demand Insurance Giants Stop Underwriting the Trans Mountain Pipeline
- By: Chris Wilke
- Climate And Safe Energy | News
You have an important opportunity to stand for climate action, while defending clean water and Indigenous rights: Join us in demanding that insurance giants...

Tell your Members of Congress: Pass a “clean” budget!
- By: Daniel E. Estrin
- Clean Water Defense | News
As Congress prepares to negotiate budget appropriations amid the COVID-19 pandemic and long overdue demands for racial justice, we must ensure that our...

Sign and send the petition to the U.S. Senate: We must have funding for Vote by Mail
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Clean Water Defense | News
The coronavirus pandemic is deeply impacting our elections, as states move to protect voters’ health during this crisis. We are less than six months...