Take Action - Waterkeeper - Page 4

Take Action

sewage pipes draining into waterway

Our Waterways Aren’t Sewers – Let’s Stop Treating Them That Way

For hundreds of years, our waterways were disposal sites for garbage and human waste, leading to devastating impacts on U.S. waters. The Clean Water Act...

Coal ash

Stop the Spread of Coal Ash Contamination!

The Trump administration’s weakening of public protections from coal pollution is not saving the dying coal industry and has done nothing to help struggling...


Last Chance for Lighthouse Point campaign brings mobile billboard to Disney fan event

Nearly 70,000 people have now signed the StopDisney.com petition The Last Chance for Lighthouse Point campaign has brought a mobile billboard to The Walt...


Suwannee Riverkeeper Fights to Protect Okefenokee Swamp from Titanium Strip Mine

  • By: Julia Widmann
  • News

Three times last week, Suwannee Riverkeeper John S. Quarterman helped gather locals and organizations across Georgia, north Florida, and beyond to voice...

state's waters and basins

Tell your Governor – Protect our state’s waters!

The Trump administration is implementing a dangerous effort to eliminate national protections for waters—and communities—across the country. The U.S....

currently threatened by Disney.

Stop Disney – Last Chance for Lighthouse Point Campaign Grows and Urges Disney to Respond to Concerns of 40,000+ Supporters

Launched on July 15, the Stop Disney – Last Chance for Lighthouse Point campaign has attracted more than 40,000 supporters in just three weeks. Comments...

offshore drilling oil rig

Call for our Coasts and Climate

In early 2018, the Trump administration announced plans to expand the areas open to offshore drilling. These plans would increase drilling in the Gulf...

lighthouse point bahamas

Waterkeeper Alliance Joins Leading Environmental Groups in The Bahamas in Launching StopDisney.com – Last Chance for Lighthouse Point campaign

  • By: Waterkeeper Alliance
  • News

Waterkeeper Alliance announced today the launch of a new digital campaign to persuade Disney to drop its controversial plans to build a massive cruise...

flooded pensacola dam

Stop Senator Inhofe’s Misuse of Military Spending Bill

U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe from Oklahoma is using his position as Chairman of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee and the military funding process to...

environmental justice

Tell N.C. to Take Action on Environmental Justice

Everyone should be able to cultivate a garden, open her windows, or join a church picnic on a sunny day.  For the neighbors of North Carolina’s industrial...

FERC releases DEIS for Jordan Cove LNG export in southern Oregon

Put an End to Oregon’s Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter

For over a decade, communities and groups like Rogue Riverkeeper in Oregon have been fighting a proposal for a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facility...

lake near forest

Stop A Massive Clean Water Act Loophole!

  • By: Larissa Liebmann
  • News

A year ago, we warned that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was considering creating a massive loophole in the Clean Water Act. EPA is now...

blue solar panel boards green infrastructure

Tell Congress to invest in true green infrastructure

The floods that sloshed through the Midwest, Texas, and the Great Plains earlier this month were a reminder that climate change, urban sprawl, and wetland...

Save Alaskan Salmon: Say No to Pebble Mine

UPDATE: The deadline to comment has been extended to July 1, 2019. Waterkeeper Alliance has its roots in fishermen banding together fighting to protect...

LAST CALL! The Clean Water Act Depends on You

UPDATE: The Trump administration denied our request to extend the WOTUS comment period, giving us only 60 days to express our fierce opposition to this...

Leave a legacy of clean water

  • By: Waterkeeper Alliance
  • News

Many Waterkeeper Alliance supporters choose to leave a donation in their wills and trusts as an important way to have long-term impact, without any upfront...

Speak up now to save Clean Water Act protections!

The last chance to comment on a Trump administration proposal that would gut the Clean Water Act is April 15. The proposal, which has no basis in science,...


How the New Trump Rule Would Harm San Francisco Bay

San Francisco Bay’s watershed stretches from the granite tips of the Sierra Nevada to the Golden Gate, covering almost 60,000 square miles and nearly...

Interactive Map: How Trump Proposal Endangers Rio Grande Basin

A vast sub-basin of the Rio Grande could lose Clean Water Act protections under Trump proposal The headwaters of the Rio Grande, the nation’s third...

Gunpowder Riverkeeper, Blue Water Baltimore, Essex Middle River Civic Council Concerned about ‘Repowering’ of Maryland CP Crane facility

  • By: ajcarapella
  • News

By Gunpowder Riverkeeper and Waterkeeper Alliance Organizer Malaika Elias Gunpowder Riverkeeper has been asking for transparency regarding the Maryland...

Act Now to Protect Oregon’s Iconic Rogue River

  • By: Rogue Riverkeeper
  • News

By Stacey Detwiler, conservation director at Rogue Riverkeeper Southwest Oregon’s Rogue is an iconic river, legendary for its whitewater, rugged wilderness,...


The Rio Grande Watershed is at its Ecological Breaking Point. Act to Preserve its Clean Water Act Protection

By Rio Grande Waterkeeper Jen Pelz The Rio Grande, the third longest river in the U.S., begins as snowmelt in the high peaks of Colorado’s San Juan Mountains,...

toxic water pollution coal

Tell EPA: Keep Mercury Limits Strong

Thanks to air emissions standards created by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Clean Air Act in 2011, important progress in reducing...


Clean Water Act Rollbacks Further Expose Greater Houston to Flooding

As Houston grows, the city and its suburbs are devouring its wetlands. Building subdivisions on top of wetlands has made the nation’s fourth-largest...


Protect Puget Sound Against Clean Water Act Rollbacks

By Chris Wilke, Puget Soundkeeper & Executive Director The waters of Puget Sound aren’t just my profession, or my passion—they are my life. And...


Stand up for Colorado Waters

By Boulder Waterkeeper Ted Ross Colorado is one of two headwater states in the United States where all the flowing fresh water originates as precipitation....


Help Ban the Plastic Bag in New York

  • By: ajcarapella
  • News

By Jeremy Cherson, Legislative Advocacy Manager at Riverkeeper. Reposted with permission from Riverkeeper. Let’s do this right; ask your reps to...


Defend Missouri’s Maramec Spring Against Clean Water Act Rollbacks

Maramec Spring is the center of a popular Missouri park, with 1,860 acres of forests and fields, and a well-attended annual Kids’ Fishing Day, where...

Statement of Kansas Riverkeeper Dawn Buehler to EPA on Redefining Waters of the U.S.

Missouri Confluence Waterkeeper Rachel Bartels, Kansas Riverkeeper Dawn Buehler, and Lake Worth Waterkeeper Reinaldo Diaz braved icy roads to testify in...

Act Now – Don’t Let Trump Give Our Public Lands to Big Oil’s Bernhardt

UPDATE: A Senate vote to confirm David Bernhardt for Secretary of Interior could happen as soon as Wednesday, April 10 or Thursday, April 11. ACT NOW and...