East Asia

Who Is Waterkeeper: Xiaojing Wei, Upper Yellow River Waterkeeper
- By: Thomas Hynes
- Blog | News | Waterkeeper Movement
Xiaojing Wei is the Upper Yellow River Waterkeeper in China. From a very young age, growing up in Henan Province, she was always interested in nature....

Who Is Waterkeeper: Bunleap Leang, Lower Sesan River Waterkeeper
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
Bunleap Leang is the Lower Sesan River Waterkeeper in Cambodia. The Lower Sesan River runs for roughly 225 kilometers, or about 140 miles, and is a sanctuary...

WATCH: Gan Riverkeeper in China Pilots Innovative Water Monitoring Solution
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
Gan Riverkeeper in China, along with their parent organization, has pioneered an innovate method for monitoring water quality in their local waterways. ...

Waterkeepers Meet in Bangkok for Regional Summit
- By: Min Zheng
- News
The long awaited Asia Summit finally took place from January 20 to 25, 2023 in the heart of bustling Bangkok, Thailand. As the first summit of the new...

Who Is Waterkeeper: Daru Setyorini, Brantas River Waterkeeper
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
Daru Setyorini is the Brantas River Waterkeeper in Indonesia. She grew up near the river and has many happy childhood memories of swimming and playing...

Waterkeeper Alliance Responds to Japanese Government’s Plan to Release Fukushima Contaminated Water Into Pacific Ocean
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Climate And Safe Energy | Press Releases
Marc Yaggi, executive director of Waterkeeper Alliance, a global movement uniting more than 350 Waterkeeper groups around the world focusing citizen action...

In 2020, River Protection Along China’s Beiyun Continued
- By: ajcarapella
- Clean Water Defense | News
Photos and text by Ms. Wong, Green Earth Volunteers Green Earth Volunteers, home to Beiyun Waterkeeper, has been dedicated to observing and protecting...

Life on a Boat on Dongting Lake
- By: Waterkeepers China
- Clean Water Defense | News
By Katherine Olson, Communications Associate with Waterkeepers China Many environmental organizations know the importance of getting youth engaged with...

Searching for the world’s only freshwater porpoise
- By: ajcarapella
- Clean Water Defense | News
By Katherine Olson, Communications Associate with Waterkeepers China As the motorboat skims across the surface, Dongting Lake lake stretches infinitely...

River Patrol at Your Fingertips: Exploration that Transcends Time and Space
- By: Gan River Waterkeeper
- Clean Water Defense | News
Written and photographed by Gan River Waterkeeper Translated by Katherine Olson, Waterkeepers China Communications Associate Originally published by the...

Forest protectors of Tongbai Mountain, the birthplace of the Huai River
- By: ajcarapella
- Clean Water Defense | News
By Waterkeepers China Communications Associate Katherine Olson When Yalun, the program director for Upper Huai River Waterkeeper in China, told me we’d...

Eagle-Eye View: Innovative applications for river protection
- By: Gan River Waterkeeper
- Clean Water Defense | News
By Dan Liu, Gan River Waterkeeper Gan River Waterkeeper is in constant pursuit of innovation. Traveling 550 miles, the Gan River is the longest river in...

Angels in the Courtroom
- By: Min Zheng
- Clean Water Defense | News
To celebrate the first anniversary of its historic legal victory against a tannery operation that had been illegally dumping its sludge in nearby farmlands,...

For Time Indoors | More Waterkeeper Content!
- By: Julia Widmann
- News
Wondering how you can stay in the fight for clean water from indoors? If you can, consider donating to your local Waterkeeper. Nonprofits depend on events...

Our Work Continues
- By: Ellen Simon
- News
In the face of the global coronavirus pandemic, Waterkeeper Alliance is making plans to continue our important mission-driven work, strengthening and supporting...

A Courtroom Win for Qiantang River Waterkeeper
- By: Min Zheng
- News
When China’s environmental laws changed in 2015, allowing nongovernmental organizations to sue polluters on behalf of citizens, Qiantang River Waterkeeper...

River Protectors Swim Across the Qiantang
- By: ajcarapella
- News
Colorful Body-Painted River Protectors Celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China By Green Zhejiang, reposted with...

Cleanups: Opportunities for Policy Solutions
- By: Ellen Simon
- News
Waterkeepers have made cleanups into an opportunity for face-to-face advocacy on issues such as plastic bag bans and alternative bag fees. The message:...

Local Efforts to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle in Vietnam
- By: ajcarapella
- News
By the Centre for Social Research and Development, parent organization to Huong River Waterkeeper Plastic pollution in our oceans is a major global problem...

Joint Action in China During Spring Fishing Ban
- By: Dongting Lake Waterkeeper
- News
By Dongting Lake Waterkeeper staff, translated by Waterkeepers China Communication Associate Katherine Olson China’s second-largest freshwater lake...

How the Clean Water War is Won: Waterkeeper Alliance and Culture Trip Introduce “Waterkeeper Warriors”
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- News
The Waterkeeper Warriors campaign features photography of waterways around the world and the Waterkeepers who defend them, with stories voiced by Alec...

3 Projects Making Strides in Human Health and Education
- By: ajcarapella
- News
By Georgia Lambrakis, Waterkeeper Alliance intern As we reflect on 20 years of our fight for drinkable, fishable, swimmable water, we celebrate the strides...

13 Restoration Successes
- By: ajcarapella
- News
By Georgia Lambrakis, Waterkeeper Alliance intern As Waterkeeper Alliance celebrates 20 years of fighting for drinkable, fishable, swimmable water, we’re...

15 Pollution-Prevention Victories
- By: Ellen Simon
- News
Waterkeepers defend their waterways against every source of pollution, whether it’s toxic arsenic from a mine, oil that’s mixed into stormwater, or...

Earth Day: Our Growing Water Crisis and the Water Warriors Fighting it
- By: Marc Yaggi
- News
When millions of people flooded the streets 49 years ago for the first Earth Day, they were making a path, a path that thousands of local activists have...

Community Nature Preserve Furthers Protection of Nujiang Golden Monkeys in Gaoligong Mountains
- By: ajcarapella
- News
Written by Dianwu Fang, Xingyun Lake Waterkeeper; translated by Waterkeepers China Communication Associate Katherine Olson In June of 2018, after an intensely...

20 Years of Clean Water Wins
- By: Marc Yaggi
- News
Today, on World Water Day, I can’t help but reflect on the billions of people around the world without access to clean and safe water. But there’s...

China NGO Develops First Grassroots-Level Environmental Standards for Chemical Industrial Parks
- By: Waterkeepers China
- News
By Katherine Olson, Waterkeepers China Communication Associate In alliance with various partners such as the Alibaba Foundation, SEE, and the Ford Eco...

Qiantang River Waterkeeper Leads Students on SDG Discovery Tour in Cheongju, South Korea
- By: ajcarapella
- News
Reported by Katherine Olson, Waterkeepers China Communication Associate February 8 to 15, Qiantang River Waterkeeper led a group of students on an in-depth...

The Green New Deal: What Does it Mean for Water?
- By: Marc Yaggi
- News
By Marc Yaggi and Gabrielle Segal With 2018 being the fourth-hottest year on record, and 18 of the 19 warmest years on record having occurred since 2001,...