Clean Water Defense - Waterkeeper - Page 5

Clean Water Defense

Disney Downgraded by Friends of the Earth Due to Proposed Lighthouse Point Project

Every year, Friends of the Earth (FoE), a major American environmental group, issues an environmental report card for all of the major cruise lines. While...

Sign to save the source of the Amazon!

Read in Spanish / Leer en español Planned dams on Peru’s Marañón River, the hydrological source of the Amazon, would flood farms and caves containing...

Just Do It: VOTE

When the right to vote in the United States was first granted in 1776, white male property owners were the only class of people that were eligible. In...

Conservation Groups Challenge Trump Administration’s Attack on the Power of States and Local Residents to Protect Clean Water

Conservation groups today challenged in federal court a Trump administration rollback of clean water protections that sharply curtails the ability of...

Forest protectors of Tongbai Mountain, the birthplace of the Huai River

By Waterkeepers China Communications Associate Katherine Olson When Yalun, the program director for Upper Huai River Waterkeeper in China, told me we’d...

Lawsuit Challenges Trump Administration’s Suspension of Pollution Monitoring

EPA Failed to Consider Impacts on Imperiled Species Conservation groups sued the Trump administration today over the Environmental Protection Agency’s...

Urgent Action: Put an End to Pebble Mine!

We have one last chance to save Alaska’s Bristol Bay watershed, its world-renowned salmon runs, and its Native communities. Take action today to...

Hungry Horse Hydropower Dam

Funding Hydropower Projects will Not Fight Climate Change

There is a new significant threat to our free flowing rivers and our climate: the promotion of hydropower under the guise that it is clean, renewable energy...

Eagle-Eye View: Innovative applications for river protection

By Dan Liu, Gan River Waterkeeper Gan River Waterkeeper is in constant pursuit of innovation. Traveling 550 miles, the Gan River is the longest river in...

Amazon Waterway: New risks for the river guardians under the pandemic

By Liliana García & Verónica Portugal, Derecho, Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (DAR) Photos by Rolando Mondragón/DAR Deep in the Amazon, the people...

Conservationists Intervene To Oppose New Dam Project Near The Grand Canyon

New hydropower project would harm Little Colorado River and endangered species A coalition of conservation groups filed a motion to intervene today to...

Accenture Announces U.S. Innovation Challenge Winner

University of Virginia team wins with an innovative project to fight plastic pollution in waterways A team of undergraduate students from the University...

New legal analysis: Dams that threaten the source of the Amazon can’t legally be built

The environmental impact assessments for two dams planned on Marañón River, the main tributary to the Amazon, have expired, meaning the dams can no longer...

Climate change protestors

Sign the petition: Support the Climate Action Plan

We can’t wait another second to address climate change! Climate change is the largest and most imminent global threat facing us today. And yet, Trump...

Stop Disney – Last Chance for Lighthouse Point Campaign Challenges Disney to Address Climate Change, COVID-19, and Environmental Injustice

Stop Disney – Last Chance for Lighthouse Point Campaign Challenges Disney to Address Climate Change, COVID-19, and Environmental Injustice in its...

In it for the Long Haul: Saluting Waterkeeper Heroes

In a world where so much seems to be measured in dollars and cents, (or Euros or Kenyan Shillings or Peruvian Sols), we quantify our work differently. ...

Angels in the Courtroom

To celebrate the first anniversary of its historic legal victory against a tannery operation that had been illegally dumping its sludge in nearby farmlands,...

The Yarra: A Journey Towards Ecological Restoration

By Andrew Kelly, Yarra Riverkeeper A federal grant was recently awarded to the Yarra Riverkeeper Association to begin the process of rewilding the Yarra...

Peru’s planned dams would displace 1,000 and “decapitate” the Amazon

Photos by Ben Webb Twenty hydroelectric dams are planned for Peru’s Marañón River, the primary tributary to the Amazon; two have been approved. These...

Tell your Members of Congress: Pass a “clean” budget!

As Congress prepares to negotiate budget appropriations amid the COVID-19 pandemic and long overdue demands for racial justice, we must ensure that our...

Lily Chee

Three Simple Things You Can Do to #KickOutPlastic

As an environmental organization, we must continue being vocal in the fight against racism, for environmentalism and social justice go hand in hand. Race...

3 Signs of Progress for Rondout Creek

Rondout Creek is a major tributary of the Hudson River, and improving the creek’s water quality has been a focus of Hudson Riverkeeper for several...

Sign and send the petition to the U.S. Senate: We must have funding for Vote by Mail

The coronavirus pandemic is deeply impacting our elections, as states move to protect voters’ health during this crisis. We are less than six months...


Lawsuit Launched Targeting Trump Administration’s Suspension of Pollution Monitoring

EPA Allows Unchecked Pollution Without Considering Potential Impacts to Imperiled Species Conservation groups today filed a notice of intent to sue the...

Tell the Senate: Take action on dangerous “Forever Chemicals”

By Anna Maria Stebbins, Advocacy Legal Intern The Senate has the chance to pass an important bill that would require the United States Environmental Protection...

Waterkeeper Alliance Responds to Rollback of Clean Water Act Section 401

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today finalized damaging changes to its state water quality certification regulations under Section 401 of the...

Waterkeeper Groups Achieve Settlement with EPA on Drinking Water Safety

Waterkeeper Alliance, Waterkeepers Chesapeake, and California Coastkeeper Alliance today filed a settlement agreement in federal court with the U.S. Environmental...

Environmental Rollbacks Won’t Revive the Economy

Re: The Trump Administration Is Reversing 100 Environmental Rules. Here’s the Full List, The New York Times When Richard Nixon vetoed the Clean Water...

Creatively Adapting: Waterkeepers Encourage Solo Cleanups

As we settle into this new COVID-19 reality, Waterkeepers across the movement are finding creative ways to engage their communities and create opportunities...

Take Action: Protect Okefenokee Swamp from a Titanium Mine

Today, you can use your voice to help protect a beautiful blackwater swamp in southern Georgia and the surrounding community from the risk of dangerous...