
Time is Ticking: Act Now to Secure the Hellbender’s Future!
- By: Organizational Admin
- Clean Water Defense | News
The Eastern hellbender, one of North America’s most ancient and fascinating creatures, is facing a serious crisis. Growing up to 2 feet long, these incredible...

Waterkeeper Alliance Applauds Historic Proposal to Protect the Eastern Hellbender Salamander
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- News | Press Releases | Waterkeeper Movement
Waterkeeper Alliance today celebrates the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (FWS) historic proposal to list the Eastern hellbender salamander as an endangered...

Who Is Waterkeeper: Alice Volpitta, Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
Alice Volpitta can trace her love for water back to when she grew up in Maryland crabbing and fishing with her dad on the tributaries of the Chesapeake...

Waterkeepers Chesapeake Meet in Pennsylvania for Regional Summit
- By: María Victoria Díaz-González
- News
In late October, Waterkeepers from the Chesapeake region gathered at the Capital Retreat Center in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania to convene and learn from one...

Who Is Waterkeeper: Ted Evgeniadis, Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
The Susquehanna River is the longest river on the east coast of the United States. It runs for nearly 500 miles from Cooperstown, NY through the state...

Otters on the Severn
- By: Severn Riverkeeper
- Clean Water Defense | News
It is hard to believe that otters are happily swimming in the Severn River, only a few miles upstream of Maryland’s State Capital. Several years ago,...

Waterkeeper Alliance Works to Align Local Waterkeepers with Regional EPA Administrators
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Clean Water Defense | Press Releases
As the U.S. celebrates the 49th anniversary of the landmark Clean Water Act (CWA) legislation, Waterkeeper Alliance—a global movement that connects and...

Lawsuit Filed to Overturn Denial of Endangered Species Protection to Eastern Hellbenders
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Clean Water Defense | Press Releases
North America’s Largest Salamanders Are Threatened by River Pollution From New York to Missouri A lawsuit filed today by five conservation groups challenges...

Who is Waterkeeper: Kathy Phillips, Assateague Coastkeeper
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
Kathy Phillips has been the Assateague Coastkeeper in the coastal watersheds of Maryland and Virginia’s Coastal Bays watershed for going on 14 years....

Lawsuit Launched to Overturn Denial of Endangered Species Protection for Eastern Hellbenders
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Clean Water Defense | Press Releases
North America’s Largest Salamander Threatened by River Pollution From New York to Missouri Conservation groups filed a formal notice of intent today...

Patuxent Riverkeeper Fred Tutman talks race and the environment | Republished
- By: Malaika Elias
- News
As the U.S., once again, grapples with its racist past and present, we’re focusing on what we can do to build a more just and inclusive environmental...

Waterkeeper Groups Achieve Settlement with EPA on Drinking Water Safety
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Clean Water Defense | Press Releases
Waterkeeper Alliance, Waterkeepers Chesapeake, and California Coastkeeper Alliance today filed a settlement agreement in federal court with the U.S. Environmental...

Court Allows Slaughterhouse Pollution Lawsuit to Move Forward
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Press Releases | Pure Farms, Pure Waters
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit ruled on Wednesday that a lawsuit can proceed challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s failure...

Now’s Our Chance: A Future Free of Fossil Fuels
- By: Larissa Liebmann
- Climate And Safe Energy | News
UPDATE 5/13/2020: This post has been updated to reflect that the “Resources for Workforce Investments, not Drilling (REWIND) Act,” a comprehensive...

Waterkeepers Offer Hope, Diversion, Grocery Pickups
- By: Ellen Simon
- News
When pandemic headlines read, “The Sky is Falling,” it seems like an awkward time to remind your supporters of the work you do, and the ways they can...

For Time Indoors | More Waterkeeper Content!
- By: Julia Widmann
- News
Wondering how you can stay in the fight for clean water from indoors? If you can, consider donating to your local Waterkeeper. Nonprofits depend on events...

Our Work Continues
- By: Ellen Simon
- News
In the face of the global coronavirus pandemic, Waterkeeper Alliance is making plans to continue our important mission-driven work, strengthening and supporting...

Lawsuit Launched Over Trump’s Massive Rollback of Clean Water Act Protections
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Clean Water Defense | Press Releases
Conservation groups filed a formal notice of intent to sue the Trump administration today for eliminating longstanding Clean Water Act protections for...

Meet Your New Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper: Alice Volpitta!
- By: Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper
- News
Reposted with permission from Blue Water Baltimore. Blue Water Baltimore is pleased to announce that our lead water quality scientist Alice Volpitta has...

Waterkeeper Groups Across United States Oppose Rollback of States’ Rights
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Clean Water Defense | News
Proposed revisions to Clean Water Act would hamstring states’ ability to protect their waters Waterkeeper Alliance and 148 Waterkeeper groups today submitted...

EPA Is Eroding States’ Authority to Protect Waters from Unchecked Development
- By: Waterkeepers Chesapeake
- News
By Aaron Zoellick, WKC legal intern. Reposted with permission from Waterkeepers Chesapeake. You should not dive into a pool before checking if it...

Groups Announce Historic Coal Ash Cleanup Agreement with Brunner Island
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Climate And Safe Energy | Press Releases
Brunner Island Power Plant Owners Agree to $1 Million Penalty, Largest Ever Assessed in PA for Coal Ash Pollution Four environmental groups today announced...

Ten Lessons from the Fair Farms Initiative
- By: Waterkeepers Chesapeake
- News
By Betsy Nicholas, Executive Director of Waterkeepers Chesapeake As an environmental lawyer, I was trained to see regulators and courts as the sole path...

Legal Petition Seeks Ban on Plastic Pollution From Petrochemical Plants
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Climate And Safe Energy | Press Releases
Decades-old EPA Limits Require Update As Plastic Production Booms More than 270 community and conservation organizations filed a legal petition today that...

Groups Launch Legal Action to Protect Waterways from Slaughterhouse Pollution
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Press Releases | Pure Farms, Pure Waters
Conservation groups today filed a formal notice of intent to sue the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for failing to update slaughterhouse wastewater...

How the Clean Water War is Won: Waterkeeper Alliance and Culture Trip Introduce “Waterkeeper Warriors”
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- News
The Waterkeeper Warriors campaign features photography of waterways around the world and the Waterkeepers who defend them, with stories voiced by Alec...

9 Projects Preserving and Protecting your Waters
- By: ajcarapella
- News
By Georgia Lambrakis, Waterkeeper Alliance intern Whether it’s crafting policies to protect a waterway or advocating against a destructive development,...

Waterkeepers Respond to Governor Hogan’s Veto of Oyster Restoration Bill
- By: Waterkeepers Chesapeake
- News
By Choptank Riverkeeper Matt Pluta and Waterkeepers Chesapeake Staff Attorney Katlyn Schmitt. Reposted with permission from Waterkeepers Chesapeake. ...

15 Pollution-Prevention Victories
- By: Ellen Simon
- News
Waterkeepers defend their waterways against every source of pollution, whether it’s toxic arsenic from a mine, oil that’s mixed into stormwater, or...

10 Big Local Wins Against Dirty Energy
- By: Ellen Simon
- Climate And Safe Energy | News
Waterkeepers around the world fight for clean water. As Waterkeeper Alliance turns 20, we’re looking at some of their biggest wins. These fights are...