Free-Flowing Rivers – Page 2 – Waterkeeper

Free-Flowing Rivers

Hungry Horse Hydropower Dam

Funding Hydropower Projects will Not Fight Climate Change

There is a new significant threat to our free flowing rivers and our climate: the promotion of hydropower under the guise that it is clean, renewable energy...

Conservationists Intervene To Oppose New Dam Project Near The Grand Canyon

New hydropower project would harm Little Colorado River and endangered species A coalition of conservation groups filed a motion to intervene today to...

New legal analysis: Dams that threaten the source of the Amazon can’t legally be built

The environmental impact assessments for two dams planned on Marañón River, the main tributary to the Amazon, have expired, meaning the dams can no longer...

Peru’s planned dams would displace 1,000 and “decapitate” the Amazon

Photos by Ben Webb Twenty hydroelectric dams are planned for Peru’s Marañón River, the primary tributary to the Amazon; two have been approved. These...

The people who will save the planet: Waterkeeper Warriors featured on Visionaries

  • By: Tom Quinn
  • News

On the first Earth Day fifty years ago today, April 22, 1970, Pete Seeger sailed the-one-year-old sloop Clearwater to Washington, D.C., with messages of...

loggerhead turtle swimming

Lawsuit Launched Challenging Feds’ Failure to Fully Assess Harms of Lake Okeechobee Toxic Releases to Protected Sea Turtles, Sawfish

Conservation groups filed a notice today of their intent to sue the Trump administration for failing to acknowledge the harms that toxic releases from...

5 clean water wins in the New York State Budget

  • By: Hudson Riverkeeper
  • News

Originally published by Riverkeeper. Reposted with permission. By Jeremy Cherson, Legislative Advocacy Manager for Riverkeeper There is good news for clean...

The Source of the Amazon River at Risk Because of Dam Projects

By Bruno Monteferri, the Marañón Waterkeeper Photos by Ben Webb Help us protect this irreplaceable treasure. Sign up for our email updates today.  Two...

Active Fights for Free-Flowing Rivers in the Gulf and South Atlantic

On the ground, Waterkeepers have been fighting for free-flowing rivers, dam removals, and restoration solutions that best protect their communities for...

The Chehalis at a Crossroads: Plans for a Flood Control Dam Threaten the Headwaters

  • By: Twin Harbors Waterkeeper
  • News

Story and photos by Lee First with Twin Harbors Waterkeeper The era of dam building is over. In the past 30 years, 1275 dams have been torn down, according...

20 Dams Put Peru’s Heritage at Risk

By Ben Webb and Bruno Monteferri with Marañón River Waterkeeper Photos by Ben Webb Help us protect this irreplaceable treasure. Sign up for our email...

“The Law of the River”

  • By: ajcarapella
  • News

By Rica Fulton with Upper Green River Network, a Colorado Riverkeeper Affiliate, republished with permission from Holiday River Expeditions. The second...

Conservationists Intervene in Ludicrous Effort to Dam the Little Colorado River Half a Mile from the Grand Canyon

Today a coalition of conservation organizations sought intervention and opposed preliminary permits for a series of new dams and reservoirs on the Little...

Spaulding Dam

Yuba River Waterkeeper Fights for Clean Water Act Protections

  • By: ajcarapella
  • News

By Ashley Overhouse, River Policy Manager at South Yuba River Citizens League In February, Nevada Irrigation District used a recent federal court ruling...

Dam Removal in South Carolina: Watch Congaree Creek Flow Free

  • By: Julia Widmann
  • News

Kayakers, canoers, fish and mollusks can now navigate Congaree Creek with ease thanks to the combined efforts of Congaree Riverkeeper, American Rivers,...

Hungry Horse Hydropower Dam

Groups Protest at Annual Dam Industry Conference in Ottawa

  • By: Grand Riverkeeper Labrador
  • News

By Roberta Benefiel, Grand Riverkeeper Labrador  Indigenous groups and allies denounce cultural genocide and environmental destruction globally and at...


Saving Salmon: Swedish Baltic Rivers Waterkeeper

  • By: Swedish Baltic Rivers Waterkeeper
  • News

By Thomas Johansson, Swedish Baltic Rivers Waterkeeper and executive director of the Baltic Salmon Fund The Baltic Sea coast of Sweden is fed by rivers...

waterkeeper alliance 20th anniversary

20 Years of Clean Water Wins

  • By: Marc Yaggi
  • News

Today, on World Water Day, I can’t help but reflect on the billions of people around the world without access to clean and safe water. But there’s...


From Lake Coeur d’Alene to the Columbia: A Journey Down the Spokane River

  • By: Spokane Riverkeeper
  • News

By Lee First, Spokane Riverkeeper outreach specialist. Reposted with permission from Adventures NW. Rivers teach us, and I wanted the Spokane River to...