Press Releases - Waterkeeper - Page 5

Press Releases

Newly Released Video Shows Tranquil Villages That Would be Flooded if Marañón Dams are Built

Marañón Waterkeeper and Waterkeeper Alliance released a video that takes viewers to tranquil villages on the floor of Peru’s remote Marañón Canyon,...

lighthouse point bahamas

Environmentalists Urge Prime Government of The Bahamas to Consider Fully their Revised Draft 2020 EIA Regulations

On October 9th, Waterkeepers Bahamas, reEarth, BREEF, Save the Bays, and Waterkeeper Alliance sent an open letter to Prime Minister Minnis requesting that...

Lawsuit Challenges New NEPA Regulations that Shield CAFOs from Environmental Review

Extreme changes to the regulations have widespread consequences for animals, surrounding communities, and the environment Today a coalition of rural advocacy,...

Waterkeeper Alliance Calls on Latin American, Caribbean Leaders to Ratify Treaty Protecting Environmental Defenders

Read in Spanish / Leer en español Latin America has Become Most Dangerous Place in the World for Environmental Activists In response to an increase in...

Disney Downgraded by Friends of the Earth Due to Proposed Lighthouse Point Project

Every year, Friends of the Earth (FoE), a major American environmental group, issues an environmental report card for all of the major cruise lines. While...

Waterkeeper Alliance responds to Facebook’s Climate Commitments

This new policy is a small step forward but does not address the larger climate disinformation crisis hiding in plain sight. “We applaud Facebook for...

300 Diverse Advocacy Groups Endorse the Farm System Reform Act and Urge Quick Passage in Congress

With food and farm systems in crisis, leading food, agriculture, animal welfare, and environmental groups call for a halt to new factory farms and smart...

Conservation Groups Challenge Trump Administration’s Attack on the Power of States and Local Residents to Protect Clean Water

Conservation groups today challenged in federal court a Trump administration rollback of clean water protections that sharply curtails the ability of...

Lawsuit Challenges Trump Administration’s Suspension of Pollution Monitoring

EPA Failed to Consider Impacts on Imperiled Species Conservation groups sued the Trump administration today over the Environmental Protection Agency’s...

140 Groups Call on Trans Mountain’s Insurers to Drop the Pipeline

Today, 140 organizations representing 24 million people sent a letter to the current insurers of Trans Mountain, urging them to stop insuring the tar sands...

Conservationists Intervene To Oppose New Dam Project Near The Grand Canyon

New hydropower project would harm Little Colorado River and endangered species A coalition of conservation groups filed a motion to intervene today to...

Hog and Poultry Waste Threat in N.C. Has Gotten Worse Since Hurricane Florence

North Carolina’s industrial meat operations pose a greater environmental threat today than they did when Hurricane Florence hit the state in 2018. And...

EWG and Waterkeeper Alliance: Poultry Factory Farms Disproportionately Threaten Black, Native American, and Latino People in North Carolina

113 Million Chickens and Turkeys in Three Eastern Counties Alone The predominantly Black, Native American, and Latino residents of three eastern North...

Accenture Announces U.S. Innovation Challenge Winner

University of Virginia team wins with an innovative project to fight plastic pollution in waterways A team of undergraduate students from the University...

New legal analysis: Dams that threaten the source of the Amazon can’t legally be built

The environmental impact assessments for two dams planned on Marañón River, the main tributary to the Amazon, have expired, meaning the dams can no longer...

Stop Disney – Last Chance for Lighthouse Point Campaign Challenges Disney to Address Climate Change, COVID-19, and Environmental Injustice

Stop Disney – Last Chance for Lighthouse Point Campaign Challenges Disney to Address Climate Change, COVID-19, and Environmental Injustice in its...

Waterkeeper Alliance to Appear in The Visionaries Series on PBS

Waterkeeper Alliance will be profiled in the upcoming season of The Visionaries, the award-winning public television series hosted by acclaimed actor Sam...


Lawsuit Launched Targeting Trump Administration’s Suspension of Pollution Monitoring

EPA Allows Unchecked Pollution Without Considering Potential Impacts to Imperiled Species Conservation groups today filed a notice of intent to sue the...

Waterkeeper Alliance Responds to Rollback of Clean Water Act Section 401

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today finalized damaging changes to its state water quality certification regulations under Section 401 of the...

Waterkeeper Groups Achieve Settlement with EPA on Drinking Water Safety

Waterkeeper Alliance, Waterkeepers Chesapeake, and California Coastkeeper Alliance today filed a settlement agreement in federal court with the U.S. Environmental...

FERC releases DEIS for Jordan Cove LNG export in southern Oregon

Southern Oregon advocates challenge federal approval of Jordan Cove LNG

Today, southern Oregon organizations filed a lawsuit challenging Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approval of the Jordan Cove LNG export terminal...

Sasha Lazard Releases Climate Change Protest Anthem, Atonement, to Benefit Waterkeeper Alliance

Singer Sasha Lazard today releases her new song, Atonement, as a climate change protest-anthem in partnership with Waterkeeper Alliance, the nonprofit...

DEQ Report Shows N.C. Must Do More to Protect Communities Near Industrial Hog Operations

Civil Rights Complainants Say New Report Shows Where State Protections Continue to Fall Short North Carolina acknowledges it must do more to remedy the...

Court Allows Slaughterhouse Pollution Lawsuit to Move Forward

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit ruled on Wednesday that a lawsuit can proceed challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s failure...

Insurers Must Address World’s Greatest Threat by Supporting Green and Fair Recovery

NGOs warn industry risks repeating mistakes made when it identified pandemic danger. Insurers must champion a green and fair recovery from the COVID-19...

Opponent of LNG in Oregon holds up home-made rubberstamp during FERC hearing in 2016.

Oregonians Unite to Demand Rehearing on Jordan Cove LNG Federal Approval

The Klamath Tribes, affected landowners, and public interest organizations request rehearing on fracked gas export terminal and pipeline in southern Oregon....

loggerhead turtle swimming

Lawsuit Launched Challenging Feds’ Failure to Fully Assess Harms of Lake Okeechobee Toxic Releases to Protected Sea Turtles, Sawfish

Conservation groups filed a notice today of their intent to sue the Trump administration for failing to acknowledge the harms that toxic releases from...

Waterkeeper Alliance Responds to EPA’s Mercury Emissions Rollback

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is expected to finalize its plans to undermine its Mercury and Air Toxics Standards regulations, which protect...

Liberty Mutual Faces Pressure to Exit Tar Sands from Policyholders, Climate and Indigenous Rights Groups

Broad coalition pledges to ramp up the campaign on Liberty Mutual following inaction at the company’s annual policyholder meeting Today, at its annual...

Waterkeeper Alliance Responds to Suspension of EPA Enforcement

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a sweeping “discretionary” suspension of its enforcement of environmental laws Thursday, pegged to...