News & Updates - Waterkeeper - Page 11

News & Updates

A finless porpoise looks up from the water.

Searching for the world’s only freshwater porpoise

By Katherine Olson, Communications Associate with Waterkeepers China As the motorboat skims across the surface, Dongting Lake lake stretches infinitely...

Environmental Groups File Lawsuits Against Trump Administration for Toxic Water Pollution Rollbacks

Waterkeeper Alliance today filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency challenging the Trump administration’s recent rollback...

Environmentalists Seek Timeline for Disney’s Lighthouse Point Environmental Assessment

On October 27, 2020, the Last Chance for Lighthouse Point Campaign released a letter to the Bahamian Minister of the Environment and Housing and Dr. Penning,...

A dredge vessel crawler in the ocean performing seabed mining.

Why you should care about seabed mining

By Lee First, Twin Harbors Waterkeeper. Originally published by Twin Harbors Waterkeeper. “What are we sacrificing by looking at the deep sea with dollar...

Act Now: Our Toxic Coal Ash Legacy

Coal-fired power plants are by far the single largest contributor of toxic pollutants such as arsenic, cadmium, and lead to waterways across the United...

Protecting the Clean Water Act is more important than ever

By Marc Yaggi, executive director of Waterkeeper Alliance. Originally published in The Hill. This month in 1972, President Nixon vetoed the bipartisan...

Pipelines for Hog Waste Gas are Dirty Energy

By Jill Howell, Pamlico Tar Riverkeeper, Sound Rivers Our nation is moving away from dangerous pipelines — and it’s a move for the better. In July,...

Feature image: Aerial shot of an industrial animal operation during Hurricane Matthew.

Protecting, Preserving, and Restoring the Floodplain

By Matthew Starr, Upper Neuse Riverkeeper. Originally published by Sound Rivers. We still have more than a month left in the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season,...

Proposal Filed With Federal Court to Ensure U.S. Army Corps Addresses Harm to Endangered Species From Toxic Lake Okeechobee Discharges

Algal Blooms Triggered by Releases Harm Wildlife, Coastal Communities Conservation groups filed a proposal in federal court today to ensure that the U.S....

A Win for the Marañón River? Enel asks Peruvian Government to terminate dam contract

Future of Critical Amazon River Tributary Still in Danger A global energy company with a concession to build a dam on the Marañón River, a major tributary...

Show your appreciation for environmentally conscious farmers

A lot of folks in North Carolina produce meat. The state ranks second nationally in pork production and is among the nation’s leaders in poultry production....

A win for the Marañón? Energy company moves to terminate dam contract, but what will the Peruvian government do?

One of the companies with a concession to build a mega dam on the Marañón River, the main hydrological source of the Amazon, has formally asked the Peruvian...

New Life for Hann Bay

Senegal’s Hann Bay was once a sparkling jewel with white sand beaches that ran from the industrial port of Dakar about eight miles to the outskirts of...

United States: ‘If we continue to place our own individuality at the centre of our existence we will collapse on ourselves’

  • By: ajcarapella
  • News

By Alicia Kroemer. Originally published by Minority Rights Group International in Minorities and Indigenous Trends 2020: Focus on Technology. Featuring...

Newly Released Video Shows Tranquil Villages That Would be Flooded if Marañón Dams are Built

Marañón Waterkeeper and Waterkeeper Alliance released a video that takes viewers to tranquil villages on the floor of Peru’s remote Marañón Canyon,...

Get Out the Vote: Mobilize Your Friends

  • By: Marc Yaggi
  • News

You’re likely to be someone who votes in every single election, the type of person campaigns call a super voter. Now is the time to recruit your friends...

lighthouse point bahamas

Environmentalists Urge Prime Government of The Bahamas to Consider Fully their Revised Draft 2020 EIA Regulations

On October 9th, Waterkeepers Bahamas, reEarth, BREEF, Save the Bays, and Waterkeeper Alliance sent an open letter to Prime Minister Minnis requesting that...

Georgia Waterkeepers Ask Citizens to “Vote Yes on Amendment 1”

By Julia Widmann, Waterkeeper Alliance Organizer, Gulf and South Atlantic Regions Photos by Joe Cook Waterkeepers in Georgia are asking Georgia citizens...

I voted stickers for voters

Super voters, assemble! It’s up to all of us to participate in our democracy.

You have it in your power to increase voter turnout. And you can do it just by having conversations with people you already know. Start by talking to...

River Patrol at Your Fingertips: Exploration that Transcends Time and Space

Written and photographed by Gan River Waterkeeper Translated by Katherine Olson, Waterkeepers China Communications Associate Originally published by the...

Ratificación del Acuerdo de Escazú y la protección de los ríos amazónicos

  • By: Amazonas Perú Waterkeeper
  • News

Por María Sembrero de Derecho, Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (DAR), Amazonas Perú Waterkeeper Los ríos amazónicos han sufrido terribles impactos, producidos...

The Ratification of the Escazú Agreement and the protection of Amazon rivers

  • By: Amazonas Perú Waterkeeper
  • News

By María Sembrero of Derecho, Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (DAR) — parent organization of Amazonas Perú Waterkeeper The rivers of the Amazon have...

The safety of environmental defenders depends on the Escazú Agreement

  • By: Rafaela Iturralde
  • News

“Last Friday, Roberto Carlos Pacheco Villanueva was assassinated. He and his father, Demetrio Pacheco, had been threatened by illegal miners and invaders...

Lawsuit Challenges New NEPA Regulations that Shield CAFOs from Environmental Review

Extreme changes to the regulations have widespread consequences for animals, surrounding communities, and the environment Today a coalition of rural advocacy,...

Waterkeeper Alliance Calls on Latin American, Caribbean Leaders to Ratify Treaty Protecting Environmental Defenders

Read in Spanish / Leer en español Latin America has Become Most Dangerous Place in the World for Environmental Activists In response to an increase in...

Protect The Bahamas — Say No to Offshore Oil Drilling

The Bahamas Petroleum Company (BPC) is planning to open the pristine waters of The Bahamas to offshore oil drilling, exposing the small island nation and...

Disney Downgraded by Friends of the Earth Due to Proposed Lighthouse Point Project

Every year, Friends of the Earth (FoE), a major American environmental group, issues an environmental report card for all of the major cruise lines. While...

Waterkeeper Alliance responds to Facebook’s Climate Commitments

This new policy is a small step forward but does not address the larger climate disinformation crisis hiding in plain sight. “We applaud Facebook for...

Act Now for Factory Farm Reform

From sick workers in slaughterhouses to empty shelves at grocery stores, the coronavirus pandemic further exposed a food system in crisis. We deserve farm...

Sign to save the source of the Amazon!

Read in Spanish / Leer en español Planned dams on Peru’s Marañón River, the hydrological source of the Amazon, would flood farms and caves containing...