News & Updates - Waterkeeper - Page 31

News & Updates

Our Oceans, Our Future | Dive Into Democracy

  • By: Larissa Liebmann
  • News

Our coasts are under grave threat from the Trump administration catering to fossil fuel companies. The land under the ocean off of our coasts is considered...

Divest for Children and the Planet

  • By: Donna Lisenby
  • News

The children and our only planet home. Both are so abundantly diverse and preciously unique that they fill my soul with wonder. Inside my heart lives a...

Deja Vu Every Four Days

  • By: Marc Yaggi
  • News

“This has been the longest 100 days that I can remember.” “It is exhausting.” “It feels like all the clean water, climate, and clean air...

EPA Regulatory Rollbacks

Waterkeeper Alliance Submits Comments Opposing EPA Regulatory Rollbacks

Waterkeeper Alliance, along with 121 Waterkeeper Organizations and Affiliates, submitted comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) late...

7th Annual SPLASH Event Series, Presented Nationally by Toyota

  • By: Waterkeeper Alliance
  • News

We’re thrilled to announce the locations of our 7th Annual SPLASH Event Series, presented nationally by Toyota! The 2017 season of SPLASH events will...

Waterkeeper Alliance Announces 7th Annual SPLASH Event Series, Presented Nationally by Toyota

  • By: Waterkeeper Alliance
  • News

Thousands of Americans celebrate the importance of clean water by getting out on their local waterways to swim, paddle, race, fish and make a SPLASH! NEW...

regulatory process s951 industry

URGENT: Don’t let Industry Hijack our Regulatory Process!

  • By: Larissa Liebmann
  • News

5/26/2017: This post has been updated to reflect the advancement of the RAA. Over the past few weeks, we’ve discussed EPA’s important role in creating...

coal ash north carolina cape fear

Polluters Ask Trump Administration to Cut Safeguards for Nation’s No. 2 Toxic Pollution Threat

Coal Ash Waste Linked to Cancer, Heart Disease, Stroke, Brain Damage Dangerous piles of industrial waste laced with lead, arsenic, mercury and other toxics...


Testing the Waters So You Don’t Have To

  • By: London Waterkeeper
  • News

By London Waterkeeper Theo Thomas The River Thames sometimes meets bathing water quality standards and sometimes it doesn’t. But we don’t know when....


North Sound Baykeeper tours Hangman Creek, Washington’s most polluted stream

  • By: North Sound Baykeeper
  • News

By North Sound Baykeeper Lee First Reposted with permission from RE Sources for Sustainable Communities My favorite aspect of being the North Sound Baykeeper...

indonesian food security

Report Reveals Coal Mining a Major Obstacle to Indonesian Food Security

Indonesian mining advocacy network, JATAM, and international clean water nonprofit, Waterkeeper Alliance, today released a damning report, “Hungry...

animal waste swine cafo hog pig north carolina

Bill Dumps Protections From Animal Waste | Dive Into Democracy

  • By: Larissa Liebmann
  • News

H.R. 848 is a blatant attempt to prevent the public from taking action to protect themselves against dangerous pollution caused by industrial-scale confined...

Rampal Thermal Power Plant: Potential Air Pollution, Toxicity and Effects on Human Health

A press conference was held for the publication of international research report titled as “Rampal Thermal Power Plant: Potential Air Pollution, Toxicity...


Through Wind, Rain and Heat – Waterkeepers March For Climate Justice

  • By: Waterkeeper Alliance
  • News

On April 29th, 2017, an extraordinary gathering of passionate people emerged in towns and cities across the world to march for climate justice. Over 200,000...

toxic water pollution coal

Groups Sue To Block Trump Rollback of Safeguards For America’s Worst Toxic Water Pollution Source

Discharges from Coal Plants to Public Waters Increase Cancer and Brain Damage Risk WASHINGTON, D.C. – A coalition of environmental and public health...


Waterkeepers Gathered to Honor Our Water at the People’s Climate March

  • By: Waterkeepers Chesapeake
  • News

By Robin Broder, Waterkeepers Chesapeake Board Member Reposted with permission from Waterkeepers Chesapeake What an amazing weekend in DC! Thanks to the...

Fighting for the Right to Stop Pollution in the Bay

  • By: San Francisco Baykeeper
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Reposted with permission from San Francisco Baykeeper Baykeeper is opposing a bill recently introduced in the U.S. Congress that would make it harder for...

Statement of Maia Raposo to EPA’s Office Of Water

  • By: ajcarapella
  • News

*Waterkeeper Alliance participated in EPA’s Office of Water public listening session, “Reducing Regulatory Burden,” on May 2, 2017. Hi,...

save epa

Save EPA | Dive Into Democracy

  • By: Larissa Liebmann
  • News

On top of trying to remove the regulatory safeguards that industry finds too costly, the Trump administration is also launching an effort to weaken –...


President Trump’s Offshore Drilling Executive Order an Affront to Coastal Communities

NEW YORK, NY – President Trump issued an Executive Order today that begins the process of vastly expanding offshore oil and gas drilling. Called...

new york city waters

Environmental Groups to Sue EPA Over Unsafe Waters in New York City

Lax Oversight Allows City and State to Evade Health Protections, Continue Massive Sewer Overflows NEW YORK, NY — A coalition of New York City and regional...

epa regulatory reform

Waterkeeper Alliance Responds to EPA Regulatory Reform Process

Waterkeeper Alliance sent a letter to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt today requesting an opportunity to discuss...

standing rock nodapl dakota access pipeline energy transfer partners

New nationwide coalition unites to stop Energy Transfer Partners

Impacted groups including Native Americans, landowners, environmental justice communities, and allies fight to #StopETP Today, a diverse coalition of...

People Before Profits | Dive Into Democracy

  • By: Larissa Liebmann
  • News

Powerful and wealthy corporations and industry trade groups have been flooding the Trump administration with requests to gut critical public health and...

peoples climate march

Get In The Streets – Join Us At The Peoples Climate March!

  • By: Larissa Liebmann
  • News

Whether it is rising sea levels, ocean warming and acidification, or changing weather patterns, climate change impacts every single one of us, and hurts...

EPA seeks to dismantle regulation of America’s largest source of toxic water pollution

In a personal response to a request from a syndicate of the country’s biggest and richest power companies, Donald Trump’s EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt...

industrial animal facilities

Environmental groups fight New York DEC’s toothless permits for industrial animal facilities

  • By: Waterkeeper Alliance
  • News

Current permits fail to protect drinking and recreational waters from untreated animal waste at industrial animal facilities Today Waterkeeper Alliance,...


Pollution or Profit? The True Cost of Doing Business

  • By: North Sound Baykeeper
  • News

By North Sound Baykeeper Lee First Reposted with permission from Whatcom Watch Online When the pressure is on, we have to increase our resolve to work...


Legal Protest Targets Trump’s Fracking Plan of 100,000 Acres in Colorado

Fracking Threatens Colorado River, Endangered Species, Climate, Rocky Mountain National Park and Dinosaur National Monument Conservation groups have filed...


CAFOs Ordered to Report Hazardous Pollution

  • By: Waterkeeper Alliance
  • News

DC Circuit Court orders EPA to close dangerous loophole for concentrated animal feeding operations Today, the DC Circuit Court ordered the Environmental...