Environmental Justice Archives - Waterkeeper

Environmental Justice

Waterkeeper Alliance Sounds Alarm About Attacks on Landmark Clean Water Safeguards

Waterkeeper Alliance, which unites a movement of 300+ locally based Waterkeeper groups, including more than 150 nationwide, is sounding the alarm about...

Waterkeeper Alliance Welcomes Former President and Constitutional Vice President of the Republic of Ecuador to Global Ambassador Program

Waterkeeper Alliance welcomes Dr. Rosalia Arteaga to its Global Ambassador Program, which works to support the organization’s mission to protect the...

Urge Secretary Buttigieg to Protect Communities From Gas Pipeline Leaks!

Nearly three million miles of gas pipelines crisscross communities throughout the United States. Unfortunately, many of these pipelines are allowing leaks...

Who Is Waterkeeper: Liliana Guerrero, Bocas de Ceniza Waterkeeper

  • By: Thomas Hynes
  • News

Liliana Guerrero has been the Bocas de Ceniza Waterkeeper since 2010. She had been living in Cartagena, Colombia, working as a law professor. A colleague...

Waterkeeper Alliance Senior Attorney to Advise EPA on Clean Water Act Improvements for Animal Feeding Operations 

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has invited Waterkeeper Alliance’s Senior Attorney Kelly Hunter Foster to serve on its new Animal Agriculture...

Urge Secretary Buttigieg to Finalize the Gas Pipeline Leak Detection and Repair Rule!

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has proposed an Advanced Leak Detection and...

Waterkeeper Alliance Offers New Clean Water Podcast, ‘Equity In Every Drop’

To engage new audiences and generate conversations that lead to action, Waterkeeper Alliance has launched a new podcast, Equity In Every Drop. Compelling...

Coalition of Groups Submits Comments Urging EPA to Require Industrial Animal Feeding Operations to Report their Dangerous Air Pollution

A coalition of environmental, animal welfare, and community advocacy groups, including Waterkeeper Alliance, submitted comments in response to a request...

Tell EPA to Protect American Waterways From Slaughterhouse and Rendering Plant Pollution!

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced a proposed rule to establish new water pollution control standards for slaughterhouses...

Waterkeeper Alliance Global Ambassador Jax Davey Gears Up For Ice Ultramarathon In Effort to Spotlight Clean Water, Climate Threats

Waterkeeper Alliance Global Ambassador Jax Davey is gearing up for an Arctic Ultramarathon in hopes to raise awareness for clean water and environmental...

EPA Proposes Improved Water Pollution Control Standards for Slaughterhouses and Rendering Facilities

Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed new water pollution control standards for slaughterhouses and rendering facilities in response...

Waterkeeper Alliance, Waterkeeper Groups React to Final COP28 Deal, Call on World Leaders to Support a Proposed Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

In response to the historic climate deal struck at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28) today in...

Vulnerable Fishing Communities From Across the World Deliver Declaration to United Nations to End Offshore Oil & Gas Expansion 

A Complete Phase Out is the Only Credible Pathway to Limit Climate Change to 1.5º C and to Uphold the Human Rights of Coastal and Fishing Communities...

Who Is Waterkeeper: Alice Volpitta, Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper

  • By: Thomas Hynes
  • News

Alice Volpitta can trace her love for water back to when she grew up in Maryland crabbing and fishing with her dad on the tributaries of the Chesapeake...

Waterkeeper Alliance Calls on Insurance Industry to Support 1.5°C  Climate Targets

Today, the Insure Our Future campaign released its seventh annual scorecard on insurance, fossil fuels, and the climate emergency. The report was co-published...

Waterkeeper Alliance Responds to the Biden Administration’s Five-Year Plan for Offshore Drilling 

The U.S. Department of the Interior released its National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2024-2029 (“Five-Year Plan”) today,...

Advocates to Biden: Federal Oil and Gas Rule Must Meet Climate Imperatives 

Eleven western U.S. groups have provided the Bureau of Land Management comments imploring the agency to address the climate crisis in its proposal to update...

Help Fully Restore the National Environmental Policy Act

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), passed in 1970, requires federal agencies to assess any significant environmental impacts a federal action,...

Tell Congress to Pass the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act!

The Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act, which was first introduced in 2020 and updated in 2021, will soon be reintroduced in both the U.S. House of...

Waterkeeper Alliance Stands With Groups in the Western U.S Seeking to Avoid the Collapse of the Colorado River Supply System

Colorado Riverkeeper, John Weisheit, drafted detailed scoping comments submitted to the Bureau of Reclamation on August 17, 2023 as a part of that agency’s...

Waterkeeper Alliance Calls on NCDEQ To Listen to Public Input, Protect Communities During 2024 General Permitting Process

Waterkeeper Alliance & Partners Will Host the “People’s Hearing” to Increase Access to Public Participation & Ensure that the Final General...

Help Extend Water Quality Protections to Tribal Waters

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed a new rule that would institute federal baseline water quality standards (WQS)...

Who Is Waterkeeper: Anna D’Apolito, Lake Atitlán Waterkeeper

  • By: Thomas Hynes
  • News

Lake Atitlán is a historically significant body of water that is also known for its beauty and volcanic activity. It enjoys UNESCO designation and is...

Help Protect American Communities, Air, and Waters From Toxic Power Plant Pollution!

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to strengthen Clean Air Act (CAA) controls on mercury and other toxic pollution emissions...

Waterkeepers Meet in Hyannis, Massachusetts for Regional Summit

  • By: María Victoria Díaz-González
  • News

Earlier this month, North Atlantic Waterkeepers gathered in Hyannis, Massachusetts for a long awaited Regional Summit.  The North Atlantic Regional Summit...

Waterkeepers Meet in Alabama for Regional Summit

  • By: Patience Burke
  • News

Last month, Waterkeeper groups from more than a dozen different states descended upon the Magic City – Birmingham, Alabama – to attend the Gulf and...

Tell President Biden to Protect Environmental and Public Health Safeguards From the Reckless Demands of the Fossil Fuel Industry 

Certain members of Congress are trying to sneak through a dirty deal to undo environmental protections by trading away vital safeguards in exchange for...

Urge EPA to Protect Waterways From Coal-Fired Power Plant Pollution

  • By: Kelly Foster
  • News

In response to decades of advocacy and litigation by Waterkeeper Alliance and our partners, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is now proposing...

Waterkeepers Meet in Guatamela for Regional Summit

  • By: Waterkeeper Alliance
  • News

With stunning views of volcanoes towering over Lago el Atilan, Waterkeepers from seven countries throughout Latin America gathered at high elevation in...

The 2023 Goldman Prize Winners Symbolize Hope for Our Future

  • By: Lori Harrison
  • News

In many cultures across the world a rainbow symbolizes hope. For The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, where I was headed for the second...