Climate Crisis

Waterkeeper Alliance Welcomes Former President and Constitutional Vice President of the Republic of Ecuador to Global Ambassador Program
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Climate And Safe Energy | Global Ambassadors | News | Press Releases | Waterkeeper Movement
Waterkeeper Alliance welcomes Dr. Rosalia Arteaga to its Global Ambassador Program, which works to support the organization’s mission to protect the...

Waterkeeper Alliance Applauds Historic Action to Protect Our Oceans and At-Risk Communities From Dangerous Offshore Drilling
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Climate And Safe Energy | News | Press Releases
Today’s bold and historic action to withdraw 625 million acres of public waters from new offshore oil and gas drilling delivers a powerful safeguard...

The Climate Crisis at COP29: Finance, Fossil Fuels, and the Fight for Equity
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Blog | Climate And Safe Energy | News | Waterkeeper Movement
From November 11 to 22, 2024, more than 66,000 people gathered in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, for two weeks of intense climate negotiations. The 29th...

A Global Imperative: A Moratorium on Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling
- By: Marc Yaggi
- Climate And Safe Energy | News
The specter of climate change looms large over our planet, casting a long shadow on the future of communities across the globe. As we prepare for the 29th...

Waterkeeper Alliance Applauds EPA’s Historic New Rules to Protect Communities and Clean Water from Toxic Power Plant Pollution
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Climate And Safe Energy | News | Press Releases
The Environmental Protection Agency released four groundbreaking rules to address pollution from power plants and protect local communities and waterways...

Final Biden Oil, Gas Rule Offers Fiscal Reforms, Nothing on Climate
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Climate And Safe Energy | News | Press Releases
Today, the Biden administration’s Bureau of Land Management (the Bureau) released its final oil and gas leasing rule. The rule contains welcome and decades-overdue...

Waterkeeper Alliance Offers New Clean Water Podcast, ‘Equity In Every Drop’
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Climate And Safe Energy | Global Ambassadors | Press Releases | Waterkeeper Movement
To engage new audiences and generate conversations that lead to action, Waterkeeper Alliance has launched a new podcast, Equity In Every Drop. Compelling...

Waterkeeper Alliance Global Ambassador Jax Davey Gears Up For Ice Ultramarathon In Effort to Spotlight Clean Water, Climate Threats
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Climate And Safe Energy | Global Ambassadors | News | Press Releases
Waterkeeper Alliance Global Ambassador Jax Davey is gearing up for an Arctic Ultramarathon in hopes to raise awareness for clean water and environmental...

Waterkeeper Alliance, Waterkeeper Groups React to Final COP28 Deal, Call on World Leaders to Support a Proposed Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Climate And Safe Energy | News | Press Releases
In response to the historic climate deal struck at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28) today in...

Vulnerable Fishing Communities From Across the World Deliver Declaration to United Nations to End Offshore Oil & Gas Expansion
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Climate And Safe Energy | News | Press Releases
A Complete Phase Out is the Only Credible Pathway to Limit Climate Change to 1.5º C and to Uphold the Human Rights of Coastal and Fishing Communities...

Waterkeeper Alliance Applauds EPA’s Final Rule to Cut Methane Pollution, Calls for Stronger Climate Action
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- News
Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a final rule to cut methane pollution from existing oil and gas sources — a positive climate...

Who Is Waterkeeper: Alice Volpitta, Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
Alice Volpitta can trace her love for water back to when she grew up in Maryland crabbing and fishing with her dad on the tributaries of the Chesapeake...

Waterkeeper Alliance Calls on Insurance Industry to Support 1.5°C Climate Targets
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Climate And Safe Energy | News | Press Releases
Today, the Insure Our Future campaign released its seventh annual scorecard on insurance, fossil fuels, and the climate emergency. The report was co-published...

Waterkeeper Alliance Responds to the Biden Administration’s Five-Year Plan for Offshore Drilling
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Climate And Safe Energy | News | Press Releases
The U.S. Department of the Interior released its National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2024-2029 (“Five-Year Plan”) today,...

Advocates to Biden: Federal Oil and Gas Rule Must Meet Climate Imperatives
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Clean Water Defense | Climate And Safe Energy | News | Press Releases
Eleven western U.S. groups have provided the Bureau of Land Management comments imploring the agency to address the climate crisis in its proposal to update...

Help Fully Restore the National Environmental Policy Act
- By: Thomas Hynes
- Climate And Safe Energy | News
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), passed in 1970, requires federal agencies to assess any significant environmental impacts a federal action,...

Estonian Oil Shale Giant Abandons Federal Oil Shale Lease, Loses Colorado River Basin Water Deal
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Clean Water Defense | Climate And Safe Energy | News | Press Releases
Estonian state-owned oil shale company Enefit American Oil is abandoning its lease to mine oil shale on federal public land in northeastern Utah’s Uinta...

Waterkeepers Meet in Sweden for Regional Summit
- By: Chris Wilke
- Climate And Safe Energy | News
Skill building in the far North, with 24 hours of daylight, sled dogs, and coffee. Earlier this month, Waterkeepers from Africa, the Middle East, Europe,...

Waterkeepers Meet in Hyannis, Massachusetts for Regional Summit
- By: María Victoria Díaz-González
- News
Earlier this month, North Atlantic Waterkeepers gathered in Hyannis, Massachusetts for a long awaited Regional Summit. The North Atlantic Regional Summit...

Waterkeepers Meet in Alabama for Regional Summit
- By: Patience Burke
- News
Last month, Waterkeeper groups from more than a dozen different states descended upon the Magic City – Birmingham, Alabama – to attend the Gulf and...

Tell President Biden to Protect Environmental and Public Health Safeguards From the Reckless Demands of the Fossil Fuel Industry
- By: Thomas Hynes
- Climate And Safe Energy | News
Certain members of Congress are trying to sneak through a dirty deal to undo environmental protections by trading away vital safeguards in exchange for...

The 2023 Goldman Prize Winners Symbolize Hope for Our Future
- By: Lori Harrison
- News
In many cultures across the world a rainbow symbolizes hope. For The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, where I was headed for the second...

Who Is Waterkeeper: Rashema Ingraham, Bimini Coastal Waterkeeper
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
Bimini is the westernmost region of The Bahamas. This chain of small islands is only about 50 miles west of Miami and is home to the famed Bimini Road,...

Waterkeeper Alliance Condemns House Passage of H.R. 1 “Polluters Over People” Act
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Climate And Safe Energy | News
Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act. Also dubbed the “Polluters Over People” Act, this sweeping...

Recapping the 2023 United Nations Water Conference
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
The United Nations held its first Water Conference since 1977. Waterkeeper Alliance had an international delegation, including Mbacke Seck of Hann Baykeeper...

Who Is Waterkeeper: Gidon Bromberg, Jordan River Waterkeeper
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
The Jordan River runs for about 100 kilometers, from the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea, serving as a border between Israelis, Jordanians, and Palestinians....

Tell EPA to Adopt Strongest Possible Methane Regulations
- By: Thomas Hynes
- Climate And Safe Energy | News
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed an updated draft rule to cut methane and other harmful pollutants from oil and gas operations...

Who Is Waterkeeper: Melinda Booth, Yuba River Waterkeeper
- By: Thomas Hynes
- News
The Yuba River runs for about a hundred miles from its origins in the Sierra Nevada mountains near Lake Tahoe in Northern California downhill to the Sacramento...

COP27: Groups warn of severe climate and human rights risk of new hydropower dams and schemes
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Clean Water Defense | Press Releases
Dams and hydropower schemes create major loss and damage, including producing significant amounts of methane, biodiversity loss, and community displacement....

Waterkeeper Alliance Responds to EPA Strengthening of Proposed Methane Standards
- By: Waterkeeper Alliance
- Climate And Safe Energy | Press Releases
In response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s announcement that it intends to strengthen its proposed standards to cut methane and other...