Clean Water Act Archives - Waterkeeper

Clean Water Act

Waterkeeper Alliance Sounds Alarm About Attacks on Landmark Clean Water Safeguards

Waterkeeper Alliance, which unites a movement of 300+ locally based Waterkeeper groups, including more than 150 nationwide, is sounding the alarm about...

Supreme Court Decision Again Undermines Clean Water Act Protections

The U.S. Supreme Court has issued a 5-4 decision that severely restricts the ability of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and states to protect...

Coalition Takes Action Against EPA for Failing to Implement Clean Water Act

Today, the Environmental Integrity Project, Waterkeeper Alliance, and Center for Biological Diversity sent the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) a...

Waterkeeper Alliance Endorses New PFAS Accountability Act that Promises to Hold Manufacturers Responsible for ‘Forever Chemicals’

Waterkeeper Alliance proudly endorses the PFAS Accountability Act, which was introduced today in the House and Senate by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)...

Waterkeeper Alliance, 110 Organizations Call on EPA to Expand List of Toxic Water Pollutants

Today, Waterkeeper Alliance submitted a letter—signed by 63 local Waterkeeper groups and 47 other conservation organizations—to the U.S. Environmental...

Tell EPA to Protect American Waterways From Slaughterhouse and Rendering Plant Pollution!

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced a proposed rule to establish new water pollution control standards for slaughterhouses...

New York State Supreme Court Rules NYC Department of Environmental Protection Failed to Report Combined Sewer Overflow Discharges

Recent ruling successfully upholds the public notification process and requires the agency to provide a list of all unreported overflows from the past...

EPA Proposes Improved Water Pollution Control Standards for Slaughterhouses and Rendering Facilities

Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed new water pollution control standards for slaughterhouses and rendering facilities in response...

Waterkeeper Alliance Urges Lawmakers to Drop Loophole From Clean Water Act of 2023

A Provision Included in the Proposed Legislation Would Allow Future Administrations to Exclude Waters from Federal Protections On October 18th, the 51st...

EPA Restores Authority to States, Territories, and Tribes under CWA 401 Final Rule

Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its final 2023 Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401 Water Quality Certification Improvement Rule,...

Waterkeeper Alliance Calls on Lawmakers to Step Up After EPA Finalizes Weakened WOTUS Rule

Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its final Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule following the Supreme Court’s ruling in...

Help Extend Water Quality Protections to Tribal Waters

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed a new rule that would institute federal baseline water quality standards (WQS)...

Waterkeepers Meet in Hyannis, Massachusetts for Regional Summit

  • By: María Victoria Díaz-González
  • News

Earlier this month, North Atlantic Waterkeepers gathered in Hyannis, Massachusetts for a long awaited Regional Summit.  The North Atlantic Regional Summit...

Waterkeeper Alliance Calls on Congress for Safeguards After Supreme Court Delivers Blow to Clean Water Act

Court’s Decision Prioritizes Polluting Industries Over Clean Water and Public Health and Ignores Decades of Legal Precedent, Science, and Clean Water...

What’s Up With WOTUS?

What’s Up With WOTUS? In recent weeks, you may have seen news stories about “WOTUS” or “Waters of the United States.” The argument over what...

Tell President Biden to Protect Environmental and Public Health Safeguards From the Reckless Demands of the Fossil Fuel Industry 

Certain members of Congress are trying to sneak through a dirty deal to undo environmental protections by trading away vital safeguards in exchange for...

Urge EPA to Protect Waterways From Coal-Fired Power Plant Pollution

  • By: Kelly Foster
  • News

In response to decades of advocacy and litigation by Waterkeeper Alliance and our partners, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is now proposing...

The 2023 Goldman Prize Winners Symbolize Hope for Our Future

  • By: Lori Harrison
  • News

In many cultures across the world a rainbow symbolizes hope. For The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, where I was headed for the second...

San Antonio Bay Estuarine Waterkeeper Diane Wilson is a 2023 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner

  • By: Waterkeeper Alliance
  • News

Congratulations to the 2023 Goldman Environmental Prize winners San Antonio Bay Estuarine Waterkeeper Diane Wilson from the North America/United States,...

Tell EPA to Reestablish CAFOs as a National Enforcement and Compliance Initiative

Every four years, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets national enforcement and compliance priorities to focus its resources on the nation’s...

Waterkeeper Alliance Celebrates EPA’s Decision to Veto Pebble Mine and Protect Bristol Bay’s Irreplaceable Watershed 

Waterkeeper Alliance celebrates the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) release of its Final Determination for the Pebble Deposit, which...

Waterkeeper Alliance Responds to EPA’s Latest Plan for Regulating PFAS Discharges; Points to New Great Lakes Study as Reason for More Urgency

Waterkeeper Alliance is responding to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) release of its latest plan for controlling PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl...

Waterkeeper Alliance Opposes Final WOTUS Rule

Marc Yaggi, CEO of Waterkeeper Alliance, released the following statement in response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s recent release...

Clean Water Advocates File SCOTUS Brief to Defend Clean Water Act Protection for Waters of Significant National Importance

Waterkeeper Alliance, San Francisco Baykeeper, Bayou City Waterkeeper, and 47 additional Waterkeeper groups from across the country filed an amicus brief...

Marc Yaggi quote reading "Waterkeepers have scientific and technical expertise, as well as unique perspectives and knowledge about regional water issues and associated impacts to their communities and ecosystems, that make them an invaluable resource for EPA."

Waterkeeper Alliance Works to Align Local Waterkeepers with Regional EPA Administrators

As the U.S. celebrates the 49th anniversary of the landmark Clean Water Act (CWA) legislation, Waterkeeper Alliance—a global movement that connects and...

We Must Urgently Restore Clean Water Protections

 In 2020, the Trump administration issued an unprecedented new regulation that dramatically eliminated federal Clean Water Act protections for rivers,...

A large blue lake with an island in the middle of it and trees in the foreground.

Biden Administration Comes Up Short in Action to Restore National Clean Water Protections

Important Waterways Across the Country Left Unprotected Indefinitely During Administrative Process Citing to the significant environmental degradation...

Army Corps Sued for Failure to Protect Waterways, Endangered Wildlife From Pipeline Construction

Nationwide Permit 12 Greenlights Environmental Destruction  Environmental groups filed a lawsuit today against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers over a...

A large blue lake with an island in the middle of it and trees in the foreground.

Suit Strives to Restore Broad Protections to Nation’s Waterways

A coalition of environmental groups today filed an amended complaint challenging a Trump administration rule redefining “waters of the United States”...

Environmental Groups File Lawsuits Against Trump Administration for Toxic Water Pollution Rollbacks

Waterkeeper Alliance today filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency challenging the Trump administration’s recent rollback...