Types of Waterkeeper Groups

Licensed Waterkeeper Organizations are financially sustainable. They are voting members of Waterkeeper Alliance, each representing a specific waterway. Waterkeeper Alliance offers a variety of training, organizing, communications, and advocacy benefits to strengthen their programs so that the local fight for clean water becomes a powerful, coordinated, global movement.

Provisionally licensed Waterkeeper Affiliates are sustainable nonprofit organizations but may have limited capacity, and/or they may be Affiliates of a fully-licensed Waterkeeper Organization, representing a specific waterway. Affiliates are non-voting members of Waterkeeper Alliance but can utilize Waterkeeper Alliance’s benefits to strengthen their programs and develop the capacity to become, if applicable, fully licensed, voting Waterkeeper Member Organizations.

How We Support Waterkeeper Groups

Communications & Marketing
Waterkeeper Alliance provides a collective voice on national and global issues affecting our waterways ...

Waterkeeper Alliance provides trainings and networking opportunities, hosts webinars, creates partnerships ...

Regional Organizing
Waterkeeper Alliance provides the opportunity to participate in in-person and virtual gatherings to foster ...

Waterkeeper Alliance engages with lawmakers, regulatory officials, and courts to advocate ...

Conference & Regional Meetings
Every other year, Waterkeeper Alliance hosts a global conference for Waterkeeper Organizations and Affiliates from around ...
Conference and Regional Meetings
Every other year, Waterkeeper Alliance hosts a global conference for Waterkeeper Organizations and Affiliates from around the world to attend trainings, share strategies, and strengthen bonds that empower Waterkeeper groups to be the most effective clean water advocates in the world (registration fee required). On years when the global conference is not held, Waterkeeper Organizations and Affiliates have the opportunity to meet in-person or virtually at regional summits around the world.
Waterkeeper Alliance provides a collective voice on national and global issues affecting our waterways. We bring the Waterkeeper movement’s stories to a worldwide audience through collaborative media campaigns, public relations, digital media, Waterkeeper Magazine, and other marketing and communications tools.
Please see more on Member and Affiliate Benefits.