Don't buy the lie! The dirty secret that fossil fuel companies don’t want you to know...
I want you to try and imagine what life will be like by the year 2050, when the ocean is expected to contain, by weight, more plastic than fish.
Nearly 8 million tons of harmful plastic pollution, created by the fossil fuel industry, enters the world’s oceans, rivers, lakes, and bays annually. Plastic pollution is a slow-motion oil spill that does great harm to our environment.
Since the vast majority of plastic is not biodegradable, it reduces to minuscule microplastics that remain in the food chain and ecosystem practically forever. Whales and seabirds die on our shores with their stomachs full of plastic.
Though I doubt you would ever choose to snack on a credit card . . . it’s estimated that every American inadvertently consumes about a credit card’s worth of toxic microplastics every single week.
You’ve been fed a lie! Plastic production is at historic highs, yet less than 10 percent of plastic ever gets recycled. The fracking boom led to the increase in plastic production… to the extent that half of the plastic ever made was created in the years since 2005. And production is expected to triple over the next 30 years.
Big Oil wants to keep you and me reliant on fossil fuels. These greedy, corrupt corporations turned to plastic as the next way to make money from squeezing every drop of oil out of our planet.
I hope you can see why your help is so urgently needed in the fight to protect our precious waterways from the perils of plastic! You can help us stop this corrupt plot to keep us reliant on fossil fuels that are destroying our planet.
With the future of our planet and our very existence at stake, here are some additional ways you can make a difference today…
Remember: Plastics are made from crude oil and natural gas, and big petrochemicalenergy producers profit handsomely from their production. These corporations are not ready to let us kick our fossil fuel habit so quickly, so we must be committed to this fight.
That’s why your ongoing support is critically important. In addition to your donation today, you can also help when you:
- Support plastic bans in your community.
- Tell your representatives in Congress to support the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act, our most comprehensive legislation to deal with this crisis.
- Consider plastic-free alternatives wherever possible, such as reusable bags, glass food containers, buying in bulk, and more.
- Join the fight to help keep fossil fuels in the ground for good.
And your signature on the petition to EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan will help us keep this critical issue at the forefront.
Plastics cause damage through every step of their existence — from the extraction of fossil fuels to the way they overwhelm landfills and litter the ocean. To ensure a safe climate and clean waterways for ourselves, our children, and future generations, we must eliminate plastic pollution now.
Please stand strong with Waterkeeper Alliance today by fighting this and other threats to our climate, our communities, and our waterways. Our health depends on it! Thank you for leading the fight against the threats that plastics pose to our health and safety, and for giving generously today.
P.S. Our planet and all living things depend on clean water for life — our very existence is threatened by the perils of plastic! Please rush your signed petition along with your best gift today. Thank you for defending our right to drinkable, fishable, swimmable water!
Nurdles All The Way Down
San Antonio Bay Estuarine Waterkeeper Diane Wilson and her scrappy crew of volunteer citizen-scientists took on a polluting billion-dollar plastics company and, nurdle by nurdle, won.