Waterkeeper Alliance Responds to Biden's Executive Orders on Climate - Waterkeeper

Waterkeeper Alliance Responds to Biden’s Executive Orders on Climate

By: Waterkeeper Alliance

Marc Yaggi, Executive Director of Waterkeeper Alliance, a global movement uniting more than 350 Waterkeeper groups around the world focusing citizen action on issues that affect our waterways, released the following statement:

“The Biden administration has made it crystal clear in just seven days that the health of our nation’s water, land, and air must be paramount as we continue to navigate the challenges created by the climate crisis. We’re thrilled to see these immediate steps taken by President Biden to pause new fossil fuel leasing on public lands, address systemic environmental racism, and begin a just transition toward a clean-energy based economy. The new administration’s quick action on these issues is a welcome relief after four years of grueling battles to protect our public lands from polluting industries. While there is much to be done, if the Biden administration continues at this pace, real progress can be made in reaffirming our nation’s commitment to addressing the climate crisis.”