Thank You for Your Commitment to Clean Water | Dive Into Democracy - Waterkeeper

Thank You for Your Commitment to Clean Water | Dive Into Democracy

By: Larissa Liebmann

We launched Dive into Democracy in March of 2017, at a time when we were becoming overwhelmed by a deluge of federal legislative and policy developments that threatened many of the environmental protections we spent years fighting for. Since then, we have published a blog post nearly every week. We hoped that Dive into Democracy could become an important tool for readers that want to help protect their local waterways and right to clean water.

Our Dive into Democracy posts have focused on federal legislative, regulatory, and policy developments that impact clean water. Since launching, we have opposed 16 bad bills. None have become law, and only three have passed a single House of Congress. That these bills have not progressed is a testament to the power of widespread, vocal, and effective opposition. Our efforts are making a real impact!

We have also covered efforts by Scott Pruitt’s EPA to roll back protections for clean water, helping to generate hundreds of thousands of comments in opposition. As EPA continues forward with this efforts, Waterkeeper Alliance will be fighting back at every step, and your voices are a vital part of that effort. For example, widespread opposition threw a wrench in the Administration’s nomination of Michael Dourson to serve as the head of EPA’s chemical program. Mr. Dourson had previously worked for many years as a scientist-for-hire, advocating on behalf of polluting industries for lower protective standards for dangerous chemicals. Dourson withdrew his name from consideration on December 13—a direct result of loud and effective public opposition.

Keeping abreast of federal developments can often feel overwhelming and frustrating. However, a strong democracy requires informed and engaged citizens who are ready to speak out and fight for what they believe in. At a time when it seems so like so much in D.C. is driven by the pursuit of wealth and power, our voices are even more important.

We hope that, in the new year, you will continue to join us in our fight for drinkable, fishable, and swimmable water. Keep following, sharing, and participating in our Dive into Democracy actions, and encourage others to join the email list. 

Thank you for your dedication to clean water!