Tell EPA Administrator Wheeler: We Need a Strong Clean Water Act
By: Waterkeeper Alliance

Tell EPA Administrator Wheeler to stand up for a strong Clean Water Act
Forty-seven years ago on October 18, 1972, the Clean Water Act was signed into law, providing critical federal protections for waters across the United States.
But today, the Clean Water Act is under attack.
The Environmental Protection Agency is trying to eliminate Clean Water Act protections for rivers, streams, wetlands, lakes, and other waters across the country. Under its proposal, at least 60 percent of the stream miles in the continental United States would lose protection, with even higher losses in western states. We can’t afford to lose these vital sources of clean water.
Essential wetlands would be destroyed. We can’t afford to lose their valuable habitat and flood protection.
We’ve asked you to submit comments directly to EPA and we’ve asked you to reach out to your state leaders.
Now we’re asking you to take one last action to protect the Clean Water Act. Tell EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler to stand up for a strong definition of “waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act. We must ensure we all have pure water to fish in, pure water for our children to play in, and pure water to drink.