Tell Us Your Pollution Story - Waterkeeper

Tell Us Your Pollution Story

By: Larissa Liebmann

Over the past year and a half, we have seen an unprecedented number of attacks on public protections from both the Trump Administration and some members of Congress. Many of these attempts have been carried out at the behest of two powerful industries: the fossil fuel industry, and industrial agriculture.

These industries see rolling back environmental requirements as an easy way to increase their own bottom lines. But we need strong, protective regulation of these industries because their operations often create serious public health and environmental hazards, and nearby communities are often the hardest hit by these impacts.

When regulations and laws providing public protections are weakened, these communities are put at greater risk, and we want these impacted communities’ voices to be heard. This is why we are partnering with the Center for American Progress to collect stories from people who have been hurt by pollution from Big Oil, Gas and Coal and Big Ag.  Through your stories, we will be able to put a human face on the impacts of the “de-regulation” of these dirty industries and show who really bears the costs when rich and powerful corporations get a free pass to pollute.

  • Do you have a story to share about toxic coal ash or other fossil fuel pollution in your community?
  • Do you live in a community impacted by gigantic, dirty concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs)?

Please use this form to share your story with us and help us share it with the world!