Take Heed: Get Out the Vote - Waterkeeper

Take Heed: Get Out the Vote

By: Lesley Adams

Last week, as Hurricane Michael quickly strengthened from a tropical depression to a life-threatening Category 4 hurricane, leading to massive destruction and more than a dozen deaths, the United Nations’ scientific panel on climate change released a report that is deeply troubling.

The climate report, issued by a group of scientists convened by the United Nations to guide world leaders through an unprecedented climatic shift, forecasts catastrophic impacts as soon as 2040. Projections that once felt far off into the future are now much more immediate; children born today will be 22 years old when our planet may very well look drastically different than it does today, and not in a good way.

The new report projects a global die-off of coral reefs, massive coastal flooding, widespread food shortages, and monstrous wildfires if we fail to transform the global economy and significantly reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. The report is the first to be released under the Paris Agreement, which is an international pact intended to stave off the worst impacts of climate change.

“[The report is] telling us we need to reverse emissions trends and turn the world economy on a dime,” said Myles Allen, an Oxford University climate scientist and an author of the report.

But as I explained the helpful proverb to my young son this morning, when you get a bucket of lemons, organize a juicing party and make some lemonade. We can change course if we stop bickering about the size and color of the lemons, and instead start juicing them.

In addition to supporting Waterkeeper Organizations and Affiliates that are diligently working to stop new fossil fuel infrastructure, make their communities more resilient to flooding and fires, and respond to record-breaking storms, you can help Get. Out. The. Vote.

The upcoming U.S. election on November 6 comes at a pivotal point for how we face this enormous climate challenge. Ask your friends and colleagues if they are registered to vote and talk about the importance of voting every chance you get. Have in-person conversations, post on social media—remind people that if we don’t speak up, our voices will be drowned out.

The year 2040 is not so far away and we need everyone to step up and add their voice to the conversation on how we shape our future.

Dive Into Democracy citizen suits Waterkeeper Alliance congressional recess

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