Robbing Our Future to Pay the Rich | Dive Into Democracy - Waterkeeper

Robbing Our Future to Pay the Rich | Dive Into Democracy

By: Larissa Liebmann

Waterkeeper Alliance was founded to ensure the protection of one of our greatest natural resources—water—so all can safely enjoy and benefit from our waterways. We fight polluters that seek to monopolize the use of waterways to their financial benefit. Efforts to rob the public of their health, safety, and quality of life in order to line the pockets of the wealthiest corporations and individuals flies in the face of the principles that we hold dear.

Right now, the federal government is reworking both how it will take in revenue and how it will spend money – decisions that will have far-reaching impacts. A few weeks ago, Congress passed a federal budget resolution for fiscal year 2018, which is essentially a blueprint for what Members of Congress think the expenses and revenue of the federal government should be. This resolution contains language that makes it easier for Congress to pass a tax overhaul bill and paves the way to allow drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as a way to increase government revenue. Not only would drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge spoil one of our last truly wild places and impact an ecosystem already stressed by climate change, it would lead to increased greenhouse gas emissions.

The Senate also released its version of the budget for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency last week. While the cuts proposed by the bill are not nearly as extreme as what was proposed by the Trump administration, the Senate’s proposed cuts would accelerate efforts to ensure that EPA will not do its job by slashing funds for everyday operations and cutting staff. The bill also contains dangerous riders that would benefit polluting companies.

The pending tax plan bills—one which passed the House of Representatives and the other which will be considered by the Senate Budget Committee this week—would perpetuate inequality. Both versions are, in large part, enormous tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations built on the backs of the middle and working class. Additionally, the Trump administration is focused on cutting services and protections that benefit average Americans and irresponsibly selling off our public resources to fossil fuel companies—all to make up for the decreased tax revenue caused by tax cuts for the rich.

Both the tax plan and the federal budget process show the same disturbing trend—transferring prosperity and protections away from the wider public to benefit the wealthy and powerful few. The impacts of some of these cuts and actions may not be immediately obvious, but they will hurt disadvantaged people the most in the long-term. Whether they drastically increase fossil fuel production and emissions, increase pollution into our waterways, or make visiting national parks too expensive for many Americans, these policies show a blatant disregard for the government’s primary function —  doing what is best for the majority of Americans.

This week, please stand up against efforts to finance tax cuts for the rich through policies that hurt everyday Americans and endanger our future. Please call your Senators at (202) 224-3121 and tell them:

“My name is [YOUR NAME] and I am a resident of ZIP code [ZIP CODE] in [STATE]. I am calling to express my concerns about the tax plan and the federal budget. I am opposed to the current tax overhaul plan, as it will primarily benefit the wealthy and corporations, and hurt the middle class. I also am opposed to tax cuts being paid for by opening up more public lands and offshore areas to fossil fuel extraction and do not want the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge spoiled by drilling. Furthermore, I believe that the Environmental Protection Agency should be fully funded at least current levels and able to do its job of protecting the public from pollution. I believe that government should do what is best for the majority of the people, and ask that you stand up against proposals that would mortgage our future to line the pockets of wealthy companies and individuals. Thank you.”