Press Conference: Hydropower – A False Climate Solution
By: Waterkeeper Alliance

Over 280 organizations from 69 countries call for climate funding to exclude so-called “sustainable” hydropower schemes.
WHEN: 21 September 2021 | Tuesday
TIME : 10:00 EDT | 15:00 BST | 19:30 IST
Over 280 organizations from 69 countries have united to call on governments to protect river ecosystems and prevent using scarce climate funds to finance hydropower. On behalf of civil society, peoples movements, Indigenous Peoples’ organizations, scientists, and conservationists, a declaration addressed to the UNFCCC decries hydropower schemes as a false climate solution currently being peddled under an erroneous pretense of sustainability.
The world is facing an unprecedented moment which includes the triple threat of a runaway climate crisis, large-scale biodiversity loss, and a global pandemic. These three pressures are intersectional and intertwined. Time, funding, and scarce resources must not be wasted on megaprojects that could dig us into a deeper hole and take away from real and necessary solutions to the multiple crises we face.
Join us to hear from experts and frontline community leaders about the latest climate science, as well as the impacts, risks, and destructive legacy of large hydropower dams as they unveil a Rivers for Climate Global Declaration.
Speakers are:
- Chris Wilke | Waterkeeper Alliance, USA
- Phil M. Fearnside, Ph.D. (IPCC contributor) | National Institute for Research in Amazonia, Manaus, Brazil
- Himanshu Thakkar | South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers, and People (SANDRP), India
- Fernanda Purrán | Pehuenche-Mapuche Tribe; Biobio River Basin, Chile
- Anabela Lemos | Justiça Ambiental, Mozambique
- Paul Wilson | Klamath Tribes Member and Rios to Rivers, USA
Moderated by Josh Klemm | International Rivers
Please register here:
Media Contacts:
- Bonnie Barclay, International Rivers (+1 323 363 4874); [email protected])
- Lori Harrison, Waterkeeper Alliance (+1 703 216 8565); [email protected])
- Eugene Simonov\Евгений Симонов +7 9165491227 (whatsapp), [email protected] (русский, English, 中文)