It’s An Election Year — Time to Check Your Voter Registration!
By: Ellen Simon

Waterkeeper Alliance launched Dive Into Democracy in March 2017 to spur public engagement on clean water issues. We’ve used this as a forum to call attention to legislative and regulatory attacks on clean water in the United States—and it’s worked.
Since its launch, Dive Into Democracy has highlighted more than one hundred bills and regulations, targeting everything from toxic coal ash stored near public trust waterways to the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement. In the process, thousands of people like you have joined the fight for clean water.
Calling and emailing your elected officials and telling them to stand for clean water is an important way to protect the rivers, lakes, and streams we all love. But the building block of our participatory democracy is your vote.
We probably don’t have to tell you: This is a pivotal election year. We want to make sure you have full access to your right to vote.
The first step: Make sure you are still registered!
At least 17 million Americans were purged from U.S. voter rolls between 2016 and 2018, with notably dramatic increases in states with a history of racial and voter discrimination.
Election officials sometimes remove voters from election rolls simply because they haven’t voted in past elections. That means people who are still eligible to vote are often removed from the rolls without their knowledge, and only find out that their names were purged when they are denied a ballot on Election Day.
Has your registration been purged? Are you still registered to vote?
Take the pledge and find out today. Go check your registration status—it takes less than one minute.
Remember, you can’t vote unless you are registered.
Sign the petition: I will check my voter registration status and make sure I have access to my right to vote ahead of Election Day.
Image by Oscar C. Williams/