Coalition celebrates FERC denial of Jordan Cove LNG terminal and Pacific Connector pipeline - Waterkeeper

Coalition celebrates FERC denial of Jordan Cove LNG terminal and Pacific Connector pipeline

By: Lesley Adams

fracked gas

Coalition celebrates FERC denial of Jordan Cove LNG terminal and Pacific Connector pipeline

Medford, OR—Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) denied the Jordan Cove LNG terminal and Pacific Connector pipeline. A coalition of landowners, conservationists, climate activists, water advocates, businesses and concerned citizens have opposed this project for more than a decade.

In denying the project, FERC determined that the proponents failed to prove that the public benefits outweighed the adverse effects on landowners. Approximately 90% of landowners along the proposed 235-mile pipeline route refused to sign agreements with the project proponents and were being threatened with eminent domain.

Quotes from landowners, citizens and organizations:

“Even when you are up against huge amounts of money you can still win.” Jody McCaffree, Citizens Against LNG

“Landowners have maintained for years that the use of eminent domain is inappropriate for this project. We are so pleased today that FERC agreed with our position.” Bob Barker, affected landowner

“Today we celebrate the denial of a proposal that would have polluted our waterways, harmed our salmon, exacerbated our climate challenges and trampled on the rights of Oregonians. May this decision start a trend for our government to deny fossil fuel projects so that we can fully focus on developing renewable energy sources.” Lesley Adams, Waterkeeper Alliance

“We have been living under this threat for a decade. A burden has been lifted from our backs today and it feels great.” Bill Gow, affected landowner

“Everyone can breathe a huge sigh of relief. Oregon landowners in the path of the pipeline won’t have their private property violated. Oregon rivers and streams won’t won’t be trenched for the pipeline. Navigation in Coos Bay won’t be clogged by LNG mega-tankers and their large safety exclusion zones. Federal forests won’t be threatened with landslides, fires, and habitat loss. Oregon wins big today.” Doug Heiken, Conservation and Restoration Coordinator for Oregon Wild

“We are relived to see FERC finally come to their senses and deny this outrageous project. This is a huge victory for salmon streams from the Rogue River to Coos Bay.” Forrest English, Rogue Riverkeeper

“FERC acknowledged what so many have known all along – this project’s limited benefits do not outweigh the negative impacts to landowners and communities. Crag Law Center is thrilled that after so many years of fighting, the waterways and communities of southwest Oregon will be safe from the impacts of this massive energy project.” Courtney Johnson, Crag Law Center

“In rejecting this ill-conceived project FERC rightfully put the people and environmental health of Oregon before corporate interests,” said Jared Margolis, attorney for the Center for Biological Diversity. “It would have been a disaster for Oregon’s precious waterways and the species that rely on them, and it would have exacerbated climate change at a time when we desperately need to move away from these dangerous fossil fuels.” Jared Margolis, Center for Biological Dievrsity

“CALNG, based in Coos County, has been working to prevent the Jordan Cove Terminal and the Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline for over ten years. Today, FERC agreed that this project has no public benefit. We credit the amazing work and perseverance of Jody McCaffree and many others to reach this point.” Katy Eymann, President of Citizens Against LNG

“Huge credit goes to the people of southern Oregon who stood their ground for ten years to prevail over LNG. For the Oregon LNG proposal on the Columbia River, FERC’s denial sends a clear message: you’re next.” Brett VandenHeuvel, Executive Director of Columbia Riverkeeper

“When I heard the news, I couldn’t believe it at first and then I just started crying as I looked out the window at my beautiful home and realized that we had prevailed . . . David beat Goliath and we were safe.” Stacey McLaughlin, affected landowner

“Cascadia Wildlands is overjoyed with the FERC decision to deny the applications for the Jordan Cove Export terminal and Pacific Connector pipeline. Our members, volunteers, staff and allies have shown incredible persistence in making the concerns of Oregonians heard throughout this ordeal. Though there is more to be done, Cascadia Wildlands will join those who worked tirelessly on to bring about this result in celebrating this huge victory.” Robin Meacher, Cascadia Wildlands

“We deeply appreciate the decades of work from thousands of Oregonians and the Oregon families who refused to be steamrolled by these fossil fuel giants. Together, our steadfast opposition protected not just their homes, but also hundreds of Rivers and a more stable climate.” Joe Serres, Board President of Friends of Living Oregon Waters

“The Sierra Club couldn’t be happier to learn of the FERC denial on Jordan Cove. We have been working for years to stop this and other LNG facilities. We hope this is the beginning of the end for Jordan Cove and for proposed LNG export terminals nationwide.” Rhett Lawrence, Oregon Sierra Club

“This is a huge victory for all Oregonians who want progress on climate action, not more backward steps that benefit only corporate special interests.” Hannah Sohl, Rogue Climate


Lesley Adams, Waterkeeper Alliance—541-821-3882; [email protected] (contact information for anyone listed above can be provided)