Clean Water Defense - Waterkeeper - Page 9

Clean Water Defense

Bangladesh’s Ratargul Swamp Forest Poisoned in Act of Environmental Sabotage

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Sylhet, Bangladesh ­— October 26, 2015 —  Unknown culprits have poisoned a prominent canal in the Ratargul Swamp Forest...

Waterkeeper Alliance Responds to EPA’s final Power Plant Toxic Water Pollution Rule

NEW YORK, NY — Today, the United States Environmental Protection Agency released a final rule setting limits on toxic water pollution from power...

Waterkeeper Alliance and Colorado Partner Groups Assess Impacts of Animas River Spill

Durango, Colorado and New York, NY – Yesterday’s spill of one million gallons of wastewater from an abandoned mine into the Animas River, a tributary...

Lawsuit Challenges Loopholes in New EPA Rule Exempting Wetlands and Streams From Clean Water Act Protections

In Bow to Industry, EPA Rule Hurts Water Quality, Human Health and Wildlife Across Country WASHINGTON—Conservation groups filed a lawsuit today challenging...

Groups File Lawsuit Against EPA’s Weak Industrial Stormwater Permit

Challenge vague limits that will be ineffective in controlling discharge of pollution from many industrial facilities into nation’s waterways New York,...

US EPA and Army Corps Issue Weak Clean Water Rule

EPA rolls back protections for streams and rivers New York, NY and Washington, DC – May 27, 2015 – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and...

Maryland Court Rules in Favor of Local Riverkeepers and Rejects Weak Montgomery County Stormwater Permit

On April 2, the Maryland Court of Special Appeals ruled against the Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) and sent the flawed stormwater permit for...

Cape Fear River Watch and Waterkeeper Alliance Oppose Proposed Reclassification of the Lower Cape Fear River

DENR Proposal Ignores Pollution Sources to the Detriment of North Carolina Citizens WILMINGTON, NC – March 5, 2015 – Cape Fear River Watch and Waterkeeper Alliance,...

Waterkeeper Alliance Statement on EPA’s Final “Connectivity” Report

January 16, 2015 – The release of EPA’s final report, Connectivity of Streams and Wetlands to Downstream Waters: A Review and Synthesis of the...

Coalition Files Lawsuit to Protect Endangered Sea Turtles, Whales, Aquatic Species

Coalition Files Lawsuit to Protect Endangered Sea Turtles, Whales, Aquatic Species Endangered Species Nationwide Threatened by Dangerous Cooling Water...

Groups Applaud Authorities Budget Office for Thorough Review of EFC Clean Water Raid & Operations

In August, the independent state Authorities Budget Office (ABO) announced it was investigating the Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC) to determine...

WOTUS water transfers rule campaigns waterkeeper alliance epa|

Groups Urge Full Protection of Tributaries and Adjacent Waters in WOTUS Rule

Broad, clear definition of “Waters of the U.S.” critical to protecting our waterways Waterkeeper Alliance submits comments to EPA and U.S. Army Corps...

Groups File Lawsuit Challenging State’s Plan to Partially Finance New Tappan Zee Bridge by Raiding Critical Clean Water Funds

Groups File Lawsuit Challenging State’s Plan to Partially Finance New Tappan Zee Bridge by Raiding Critical Clean Water Funds  Action taken to discourage...

New Coalition Launched To Protect Colorado River Headwaters

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New Coalition Launched to Protect Colorado River Headwaters Epic Drought and Dirty Energy Boom Spotlight Fragility of Water Supply...

cooling water intake

Environmental Groups Sue EPA on Deficient Cooling Water Intake Rule

New EPA regulation fails to set a cooling water intake standard for protecting aquatic species NEW YORK (September 2, 2014) – A coalition of environmental...

New EPA National Beach Guidance

July 31, 2014 – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced new National Beach Guidance for coastal and Great Lakes states to...

Court Expands Public’s Right to Know about Power Plant Water Pollution

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Environmental groups are filing a complaint against the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to compel the agency to...

Riverkeeper Statement on EPA Rule Perpetuates Unacceptable Status Quo

May 20, 2014 Statement by Riverkeeper, Inc. on Important New EPA Ruling Governing Power Plant Cooling Water Nation’s Largest Users of Freshwater Can...

great lakes

Victory for Great Lakes

Coalition: Spending Bill ‘Significant Victory for Millions Who Depend on Great Lakes’ ANN ARBOR, MICH. – The U.S. Congress released its 2014 spending...