Call to Obama Administration: Keep Our Oil and Gas in the Ground - Waterkeeper

Call to Obama Administration: Keep Our Oil and Gas in the Ground

By: Waterkeeper Alliance

keep it in the ground!
Image courtesy of Greenpeace.

Drilling and Fracking of Oil and Gas on Public Lands a Major Climate Threat, Groups Call for Restraint and Detailed Study

Washington, D.C.—Environmental groups today called on President Obama to order a review of the climate change implications of the federal oil and gas program and a halt to new oil and gas leases on American public lands.

The call comes as the Obama Administration has leased millions of acres of U.S. public lands to oil and gas companies, opening the door for extensive drilling and fracking of some of the nation’s most treasured landscapes. Thirty-four million acres of public lands are now under the control of the oil and gas industry.

“If you think the right-wing militants in Harney County, Oregon are bad, wait until you hear how oil and gas companies have taken over millions of acres of our public lands,” said Tim Ream, Climate and Energy Campaign Director of WildEarth Guardians. “It’s unbelievable that our government keeps leasing public land to dirty energy companies while turning a blind eye to the climate implications—it’s time to get the government out of the oil and gas business and return public lands to the to the people.”

This development is responsible for massive amounts of carbon pollution from methane leaks and oil and gas burning. Estimates indicate 4% of all U.S. global warming pollution from U.S. energy sources comes from public lands drilling and fracking, although a comprehensive review of the climate impacts of public lands oil and gas has yet to be undertaken.

“The federal oil and gas program is inconsistent with our climate goals and needs a reality check,” said Marissa Knodel, Climate Change Campaigner at Friends of the Earth. “By taking into account the significant impacts of drilling and fracking on our natural heritage, the reality is that the costs to our lands, waters and climate are way too high. Until those costs are known, publicly owned oil and gas must remain in the ground.”

In the letter today, the groups echoed the President’s own call to keep fossil fuels in the ground and his State of the Union remarks that America needs to change the way its oil and coal are managed to “better reflect the costs they impose on taxpayers and the planet.”

“From New York to Paris, the people have spoken and demand action to halt state-sanctioned initiatives that foul our waterways and endanger our planet,” said Marc Yaggi, National Director of Waterkeeper Alliance. “A comprehensive environmental review of the federal oil and gas program is long overdue.”

The federal onshore oil and gas program is managed by the U.S. Department of the Interior. Guidance posted on the White House’s own website since 2014 has directed Interior to complete a comprehensive environmental review of climate emissions from the federal oil and gas program. Thus far, Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell, has not heeded that call. Groups today called for a moratorium on new oil and gas leasing until a climate review is complete.

Today’s letter comes amid a growing Keep It in the Ground movement calling for an end to all new leasing of fossil fuels on U.S. public lands and waters. That movement has protested recent Interior Department oil and gas lease sales, causing two to be postponed.

The letter can be found here. It was signed by Earthjustice, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, Rainforest Action Network, Waterkeeper Alliance, and WildEarth Guardians.


Tim Ream, WildEarth Guardians, (541) 531-8541
Abigail Dillen, Earthjustice, (406) 579-9844
Marissa Knodel, Friends of the Earth, (202) 222-0729
Diana Best, Greenpeace, (415) 265-8122
Ruth Breech, Rainforest Action Network, (415) 238-1766
Tina Posterli, Waterkeeper Alliance, (516) 526-9371