Bidding Farewell To Our Summer Interns - Waterkeeper

Bidding Farewell To Our Summer Interns

By: Waterkeeper Alliance


One of the most exciting things about summer at Waterkeeper Alliance headquarters is the team of interns that we bring on board to learn about the work we do and help us further our mission. This summer, we welcomed an incredible group of undergraduate, graduate, and law school students working on a wide range of projects across multiple departments.

IMG_1033 (1)On our Communications team, interns contributed to Waterkeeper Alliance’s social media content, developed media analytics, organized digital assets, and compiled photo information for Waterkeeper Magazine. Interns working with our Waterkeeper Support team researched potential new Waterkeepers and threats to waterbodies around the world, contributed to a photo library of waterways, and compiled data on the nearly 300 waterways that Waterkeepers work to protect. Our intern on our Legal team worked with the Clean and Safe Energy team researching legal issues associated with the waste treatment system exemption of the Clean Water Act and energy companies’ use of eminent domain for pipelines. This is just a small sample of all the hard work our team of interns has done over the past three months, and Waterkeeper Alliance staff got to hear more about their projects during their end-of-summer presentations at the end of July.

IMG_1074 (1)Interns also went out on and around the water through some exciting field trips throughout the summer. In June, the intern team went on an Eco Cruise with Captain Bill Sheehan, Hackensack Riverkeeper, and learned about the threats to his unique urban waterway and his impressive history as an environmental advocate. In July, the team volunteered with Billion Oyster Project on Governors Island building oyster cages and readying over 28,000 oysters for deploying into New York Harbor.

It has been an amazing summer and we are so grateful to our Summer 2016 Intern Team!

Find out more about Waterkeeper Alliance’s Internship Program and see current internship openings.