Who Is Waterkeeper Alliance? | Qiantang River Waterkeeper
By: Waterkeeper Alliance
Qiantang River Waterkeeper was founded by Zhejiang province’s first and largest environmental NGO—Green Zhejiang—as a water protection project. It became an official member of Waterkeeper Alliance in 2010 and was the fourth Waterkeeper in China.
The Qiantang River is the largest in southeastern China’s coastal provinces and provides fresh water to the 20 million people who live in the watershed. Today, the river has become a victim of modern development that has led to water shortages and rampant pollution.
Hao Xin (above) serves as the Waterkeeper. Of his role protecting water he says, “We encourage stakeholders to take action together so that everyone can enjoy the beauty and happiness that the Qiantang River brings.” He is also on a committee dedicated to international water-resource management, and has been recognized through multiple awards across China for his efforts to protect water, the environment and public welfare. Qiantang River Waterkeeper is committed to educating the public and encouraging local participation in maintaining the river’s health. The group created a pollution app for local citizens to report on the river’s health and they frequently hold round-table discussions about the river via television broadcast. They also organized an international forum with representatives from the world’s three major tidal rivers: the Ganges, the Amazon and the Qiantang.
In 2018, Qiantang River Waterkeeper will hold the H20 Summit, a forum for 20 major river cities across the world.
Translated by Katherine Olson, Waterkeepers China Regional Entity
翻译员:Katherine Olson, 中国的护水者们