Founded in 2014, Waterkeepers Bahamas advocates for the protection and eco-conscious use of the Bahamian watersheds.
Save The Bays was founded in 2012 and shortly after established the Waterkeepers Bahamas program in 2014.
Waterkeepers Bahamas is a Bahamas registered non-profit organization comprised of staff, volunteers and supporters, Bahamian and international individuals, as well as community partners that work together to preserve and protect our beautiful Bahamian lands, waters, and ecosystems. Our mission is to continually advocate for the protection and eco-conscious use of the Bahamian watersheds now and for the future.
Waterkeepers Bahamas engages its grassroots constituents by way of involving them and sharing information with them on its frequent water quality monitoring efforts and advocacy campaigns. Sensitizing the public on water quality issues that may impact swimmable waters or drinking water sources is high on the priority list. Having a fully equipped lab within its office makes Waterkeepers Bahamas efficient and independent in reporting sample results to the public and relevant agencies. However, not limiting its efforts there, Waterkeepers Bahamas has also used the Bahamian judicial system to bring matters before the Supreme Court that are of public interest, and, where necessary, to hold the Bahamian government accountable. Further to that, Waterkeepers Bahamas has active campaigns, one focused on petitioning the Bahamian government for a permanent ban on oil drilling and production in its waters, and the other on community-based restoration projects to help restore mangrove forests and beach dunes. Donate today to protect the Bahamas and their beautiful ecosystem!